Bruce Linton on Canopy Growth, “I Was Terminated.”


Well-Known Member
no you're an idiot who cashed out two weeks ago..remember fuck wad?
yer a fool beyond fools...hoe ya choke on what ya cashed out!8) you'll get it! ;) the hard way Im sure


Well-Known Member

a typical day of work here is chaos. manager gives no direction and forced to learn on our own from SOP's without any clarification. Expected to be able to do everything perfect on first day. never have enough supplies to complete given task. managers and supervisors are nowhere to be found in times of need. multiple language barriers. hardest part of the job is to deal with the manager because she doesn't know what's going on and directs you to supervisors. if you don't suck up to her you won't be part of the "cool" crowd. co-workers are dope.

Human Rights? Forget it. Decent wage? Forget it. Harassment? Tons.
2 star rating is generous considering you have to give 1 star when they deserve zero.
One supervisor was great but she left months ago.

Sexism, racism, HR doesn't do anything for you. Temporary foreign workers are taken advantage of because they won't hire Canadians. The pay is terrible for the work they ask of you. Stock options are dangled in front of you but you will be fired for looking at someone wrong. Managers are unqualified and don't even understand the culture. If you don't drink the Kool Aid you will be shunned. If you bring up issues you will be fired. There is a divide between the office and greenhouse. The office staff are snobby towards the greenhouse staff, the people making sure the plants are healthy so they get paid... It's honestly a joke of a company. They can't even keep materials on site to do the work needed.

This location is an absolute joke. Management are clueless and need to rule over employees in order to feel superior and to validate their positions. There is little to no training but an expectation to perform highly. No one is happy and this is felt throughout the company. If you're competent and driven they will suck every bit of ambition out of you. High turnover of employees as they pay very little but expect alot. Be prepared to sacrafice your weekends and there will be no "thank you". They dangle stock options as an incentive but it's overrated. No retirement plan, you are on your own. Beware and stay away!

page after page after page of these type of reviews for employment BWAHAHAHAAHAHA


Well-Known Member
Canopy is so far behind their targets that they are running around in circles. Management has NO experience with Cannabis. The top members of the operations team has no experience growing or even using cannabis. Turn over. Pay is minimal and they ask you to take a pay cut in exchange for stock options.

Great at giving high fives, and getting sh-it done, but it's not getting done efficiently or properly. No training at all. The management is not being held accountable and they throw money at everything. If you are not in the clique you lose. The OG's and Legacies run the roost and they haven't a clue how to run a business. Look at the Earnings reports, bleeding money. Hired over 4000 employees but only have 1200 on staff, Where did the other 1000's go?

Silos, office politics and "In Group" mentality.
Free coffee courtesy of Constellations Bwahahahaha