Brummie bubbler Progress


Active Member
Hi guys, here is an updated photo of my babies (Cheese) this is my first hydro grow,

Im running 3x lights at 400watt each (will up that to 600watt each at later stage) in a 2.4x1.2m tent with 3 bubblers (4plants)

EC is running at 1.2/1.4 at mo

Temps are consisitantly good and my Humidity is between 33-45% (keeping on top of the humidifier is quite a pain lol)

starting to really shoot up now, getting much bigger by the day after a fairly slow start from transition, Just wondering when i should get a net in there and start trying to drive them outwards so i can get buggest possible yeild from them? And if you pro’s think i should do any trimming/topping?

This Friday will be the end of the 3rd week of the veg stage, originally was planning on vegging for 5 weeks, would consider an extra week if it was needed, not sure it will be though, judging by the way there coming along now.

Also as you can see on the close ups some of my leaves are starting to curl, what are your thoughts on this? Just noticed that my PH was high (8) so just got this down to 5.8/6.1

Thanks all AKA



Well-Known Member
Hi guys, here is an updated photo of my babies (Cheese) this is my first hydro grow,

Im running 3x lights at 400watt each (will up that to 600watt each at later stage) in a 2.4x1.2m tent with 3 bubblers (4plants)

EC is running at 1.2/1.4 at mo

Temps are consisitantly good and my Humidity is between 33-45% (keeping on top of the humidifier is quite a pain lol)

starting to really shoot up now, getting much bigger by the day after a fairly slow start from transition, Just wondering when i should get a net in there and start trying to drive them outwards so i can get buggest possible yeild from them? And if you pro’s think i should do any trimming/topping?

This Friday will be the end of the 3rd week of the veg stage, originally was planning on vegging for 5 weeks, would consider an extra week if it was needed, not sure it will be though, judging by the way there coming along now.

Also as you can see on the close ups some of my leaves are starting to curl, what are your thoughts on this? Just noticed that my PH was high (8) so just got this down to 5.8/6.1

Thanks all AKA
heat stress too the max, any fans in their, raise yah STREET LIGHT its frying yah babies, what light are you using a 600 watt hps, not a good light for veg


Active Member
My temp at the top of my plant hasnt gone above 30 degrees throughout and my lights are only switched at 400watts at the mo.

Just been and measured and my bulbs were 16 inches away from plants, just pulled them a little higher to about 19/20”s heat stress has surprised me because iv always struggled with tempreture and its been perfect throughout the hole of this one :-( spent a fortune on getting that bit right aswell haha.

My water in the res feels fairly cool but my thermometer when i leave the node in says its 24degrees!! The Canopy is only 26 at the minute as its all just starting to warm up. I dont trust that themoeter! It cant be that warm! Any recomendations on thermometer to but to check water temp and what is the kind of temps we want to keep it at? Only using bin bags to cover the voids at mo which may be absorbing the heat so might cut some wooded 4mm board up later and cover with something else

Thanks for your help guys


Active Member
My friend suggested either it could of been my lights were too close, or as i only top up my humidifier in the day, and due to humidifier location its blowong the steam straight onto the leaves and as the lights are on the water is drying up the leaves as it dries in the heat?

He said it might be worth trying putting a timer on the humidifer to
Come on througout the night when the lights are off?

I going to fill too larger buckets up now to leave in there to try and get the humidity a little higher too


Active Member
Also, my res water is ranging between 22-26 degrees. I have a second thermoeter in there now and it reads the same, It doesnt feel hot though :-/ is this a worrying tempreture for the res?