Bubble Bags


Active Member
Well, I just finished cleaning up from the harvest and part of that cleanup is getting rid of a couple pounds of trim. I started playing with Bubble bags 2 years ago and after learning not to follow their instructions I finally got pretty good at it. I starting this thread for sharing what I've learned and hopefully we can get a party started here. The second pic is yesterdays proceeds. 35# on the left, 70# in the middle and 120# on the right. The last 2 pics are of what it looks like fresh and 6 months later. Peace



Well-Known Member
I third that motion, Homegrown69- what are the "and after learning not to follow their instrucitons..." tips you have developed in your two years of practice? The reason I ask is that I have enjoyed the fruits of Bubble but never made it myself (cannabutter for years) and I want to buy the bags. Problem is that I only create around 2oz every 2.5 months so I am not working with a ton of trim. I want the best advise and method to Bubble so I don't ruin the little trim I normally get great butter with. If you have time to post a tutorial, even just the text, that would be awesome. And finally, how many and what size bags do you use?(I know a lot of people buy the 5 or 8 kit and then end up only using certain bags)



Well-Known Member
fdd2blk- you da man! Also, for some reason every time I read your screen name it makes me think of the Misfits but my brain tells me I should think of the Doors..... is your name music inspired or am I just a crazy stoner :D


Active Member
Thanks for stopping in folks and that FAQ is where I started too. The bags are only for sieving so don't get hung up on buying Bubble Bags. I got my first set used in a pawn shop for $25.00 but that was because the fool that owned them had paddled inside the bags. I fixed them with hot glue and as soon as I knew it was a winner I bought a 5 bag set on E-bay for $69.00 last winter. Since then I tried Bio-Filter, Industrial type and those puppies are all screen so think FAST!!! Everything I use nowadays comes from the kitchen or the shop so expense is minimal. I'll pick this up later when I get back. Peace

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i had a 5 gallon set and gave them away. total mess and pain in the ass. since then i use the gumby method. i was thinking of getting an o'kief tumbler.


Active Member
Bubble, the instructions I have seen look like you do beat/paddle inside the bags, when they're all in the bucket. Did I misunderstand your post? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I third that motion, Homegrown69- what are the "and after learning not to follow their instrucitons..." tips you have developed in your two years of practice? The reason I ask is that I have enjoyed the fruits of Bubble but never made it myself (cannabutter for years) and I want to buy the bags. Problem is that I only create around 2oz every 2.5 months so I am not working with a ton of trim. I want the best advise and method to Bubble so I don't ruin the little trim I normally get great butter with. If you have time to post a tutorial, even just the text, that would be awesome. And finally, how many and what size bags do you use?(I know a lot of people buy the 5 or 8 kit and then end up only using certain bags)

I only grow 5 plants at a time DWC, and don't have to much trim so I bought the 1 gal bubble bags. Works great for small yields. 100.00 for 4.


Active Member
Yep, the bags can be messy the first try or two, but that's more getting use to the process of pouring each separation thru the next filter.
Let me start kinda at the beginning,
What goes into Bubble?
Fan Leaves
Sugar/Other Leaves
Small upper branches( cut into 3" slivers)
Old dope
Moldy Dope
Crappy dope
I kinda expect a 5% return on these so, 2 lbs of Trim going in should produce about 2 wet oz coming out. That, then loses about 40 % in final cure.
If you use smoking grade dope for making Bubble you can double the above numbers.
The beauty of Bubble is you save your Trim until you have enough to
process and if that's once a year, cool.
My favorite thing about this is "Making something from Nothing":weed: