BubbleGum OutDoors Deficiency, Need Help!


Active Member
I've Grown this Bubble gum out doors, Its a 100 Day old
the real problem is with the sand it is so compacted and doesn't have much nutrients (mostly sea sand)
I keep feeding them weekly with chem nutes but this week it started yellowing, I've looked it up best I could
it seems like Zinc deficiency but I really need help Identifying, also nutrients are really hard to come by only 1 or 2 brands I've seen in the entire country and
only grow/veg , flowering and NPK. I saw once blood meal , bone meal and Iron chelate in one shop but that is it.

anyways Pics

Sorry about the shaky pic it was hot-humid and dark
the other I just topped and took home.

Help is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If its sand it will still drain well . A few def here ,cal/mag and N are the main ones due to the lack of nutes in the medium.You have to water in hydro nutes every watering to correct these issues, also a sprinkling of osmocote (or other slow release veg nutes) on top. Next time put some lime ,blood and bone, water crystals and vermiculite in the mix.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
thats some swanky shit.

use some osmocote, or miracle grow Shake-n-Feed in your sand. next time mix in some organic material (loam from under trees, compost from garden store etc) and make sure you rinse all the salt out of beach sand before you plant. if you are planting in dirt, you dont need special fertilizers, in outdoor dirt environments, treat your dope like tomatoes. tomato fertilizers will grow you some dank shit in outdoor dirt.


Active Member
View attachment 2279976

A gold plated toilet your majesty?
Not Plated " A Golden Throne if you please"

Thanks for the Insights but like I said Advanced Nutes/hydros are hard to come by

I'll have to run to the store and buy some blood meal , bone meal , some Chelates and micro nutes.
For the Time Being I'll try the Plant Revive and the Foliar Feed .

Dr Kynes The Sand is washed thoroughly and sold by the lorry, it was put 3 years ago and was mixed with cow shit " subtle XD" 5 months ago. oh yeah I forgot about the Tomato Feed , gotta get me some
one problem though; the root space is about a 1/2 of a meter.

Thanks Guys, I wanted to post my journal from seed to grow but I was at the hospital for a month with my Illness .


Active Member
The Nutes that I have at hand are:
1. Phostrogen'sAll purpose Plant food :Foliar/powder applicable for flowers,Fruit and Veggies

2. Miracle Gro's Plant Revive Ready to use tonic : Liquid

3. Miracle Gro's Pour & Feed : Liquid Plant food

4. Local Store made NPK 25:25:25

5. Some Japanese 36ml ampules that contain ( N,P,K,Ma,Zi, boric acid , amino acid and vitamin B complex) you just cut the top and put near the plant it slowly drips over 2-3 days
Just as I was Typing I drove to the house I planted in and have put one ( it was looking worse than yesterday ) with the heat around 50 deg c and humidity 70+

ekhh there is a sand storm I'll go take a shower.