Bubblehash Chrome contamination- toxicity?


New Member
So i put out the cash for a set of bags so I could get rid of my bags of trim. The process went well and smooth and I managed an 10%+ yield. However upon inspection I noticed all these little sparkly things in the final product. Under the microscope they are clearly angular chrome flakes. Presumably from the cheap chinese electric blender I used to stir the ice mixture. I am thoroughly pissed as you might imagine. I have done alot of searching and reading and have determined that chrome is relatively harmless unless it is a hexavalent state. Heavily oxidized CR6 is a bad bad thing to inhale. I was completely unable to find information on what temperatures we are looking at to produce and vaporize CR6. I hate to toss a short OZ. of grade B Hash(silver stamp) if I don't have to. However I sure the fuck dont want to mess around with a such a strong carcinogen as CR6.

Does anyone happen to be able to determine the health risk associated with this problem?

I could just stow it and wait till I find some lab grade ethyl and pull it out that way, but I kinda got the bags to avoid all that in the first place. WTF!?