Bubbler growing


Active Member
Im stealing this from the cannabis bible:

The Bubble Bucket:
(1) Get two 5-Gallon buckets with lids. (Wash it out with bleach)
(2) Get a 6" Net pot.
(3) Cut a hole in lid of bucket so the net pot sits in neatly all the way
(4) Cut a hole in the lid about 2cm in diameter near the rim (the pump
hose goes in here).
(5) Use Black gaffer tape to wrap the pot so it is light proof. (If light
gets in alga will
develop in the water. This is not good.) Wrap the lid as well.
(6) Get a fish-tank pump and air-stone.
(7) Get your medium together - rockwool, clay pebbles etc.
(8) Get the Nutrients and Mixes together

Simply mix your nutrients together in the second bucket. Set
the air-stone in the center on the bottom of the first bucket and hang
the air pump somewhere above the water level on the wall of your
grow room. Use the hole in the lid to feed the airline through. Fill the
bucket up with the nutrients to a level were the net pot just touches the
solution. Turn on your air pump for 24 hours a day. That is it. The
pump will send air through the tube to the air-stone and it is released
into the water. The air bubbles the solution causing it to splash at the
surface wetting the roots and feeding the plant. Check the bubbler
everyday to see how much your plant has drunk. Let your roots get air
everyday by letting a root zone form. Let the solution level drop an
inch below the net pot. The net pot holds the cutting in rockwool and the rockwool is surrounded by the clay pebbles. Do not constantly top
up your reservoir, it is sometimes better to let the water level drop 1
gallon and then replace that gallon. Once a root mass has develop the
plant will grow like no other. Basically this set-up is just bubbling the nutrients solution
with the pump. The pump sucks in air from the room and this air
contains Oxygen that the roots need. As the unit bubbles the roots get
air, nutrients and water. The plant loves this and thrives.
When you want to change your mix you may have a spare
bucket that is the same shape and size. Simply swap the lid over with the plant, root-mass and air-stone into the new bucket. This is a great
little system that comes highly commended.

Ok so what do yall think? Im thinking of trying this in a stealth dresser. It has a grow floro tube but its only 75 watt. Ive got some basil in there now and it seems to grow fine.
As much as you can fit in there! Theres no such thing as too much light. (too much heat, yes... but too much light, no).

Compact Flourescents (CFL's) work great for the startup grower, and are relatively cheap. Im currently using about 20 of them, but i have a bunch of plants.

As a guide, marijuana needs (likes) at least 10,000 lumens per square foot.
Ok, well ill have to wire it for the sockets i guess. Time to do some googling. Im going to paint the inside a nice relfective white to help. Any other ideas.
Ok im thinking of mounting a surge protector and edison to medium adapter, the connect directly from the strip to the bulb, no wires. So easy mounting and cheap. The question is what watt of CFL do i need. And how many. Do watt add up? like a 50 watt bulb 2x is 100 watts?
Watts add, lumens do not. Dont worry too much about lumens... lumens is a form of measurement for light to the human eye- a plant doesnt see light the same way. Im assuming since this is being done in a dresser, youre doing 1-2 plants max. If so, I would say 150w of CFL power should be enough, but like I said before... the more light you give them, the more bud youll recieve. When buying CFL's, I recommend using the 23 watters. They provide the most light per dollar (and always choose walmart over home depot when buying). Ideally, youll get several "warm" lights for budding, and several "cool" or "daylight" lights for veg. When you flower, use both (warm and cool).

I have my CFL's hanging from the extension cord that they are plugged into. I used the plug in socket things (basically a lught bulb socket with two prongs to plug in) with several splitters. Because CFL's draw so much less wattage than incandescents, you can run several of them on one socket. I do use a power strip though (3 light cords, 2 fans, etc).

Ideally, a small HPS light would give you the most yield, but a number of CFL's will get the job done. The more, the better!