bud box


Think i'd get away with a 400 w hps in a budbox (75cmx75cmx200cm) 5"rvk A1 with 5" Rhino carbon filter thanks


New Member
OK had to conv to inches so about 29.5 inches
it could be done but u need a hell of a fan especially for filter


Thanks for help sfuk, I emailed greens an they said it will work with the rvk A1 5" as long as the room tempreture is'nt to hot it'll work, My tent will be in a small (2mx1.5m) room bout 78 f at hottest time of year so am hope full it ll work if not i ll sell the light kit n buy 250 w hps. Thanks for your fast reply.


I will set it up with euro reflector n see what temps like then i will decide if i should invest in a air cooled light or maybe tone down to a 250 hps.


New Member
I will set it up with euro reflector n see what temps like then i will decide if i should invest in a air cooled light or maybe tone down to a 250 hps.

i pulled off a 250 w hps in a 24x36 by 48 inches tall box
i think if u dont get air cooled u should use a 250 w for your room just my opinion