Bud locations???

My plant is blooming pretty good. I have white hairs all over the top and down the stem at each node. Will the buds grow at every location of the white hairs? I was always under the impression that they just grow down the center, but I'm new and don't know much about this. At every node I have 2 fan leaves and off of that stem I have what looks like a new top. I have a very good amount of these and the all have white hairs and forming a top. Are buds gonna grow here too? If so can this plant even support the weight being far off, or should I stary tying her up while I'm ahead?


Well-Known Member
Every node will grow a bud on each side above where the fan leaf stem connects to the plant. If you have close node spacing than those nugs on each node will grow together to form big long colas


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you are trying to ask man. Post some pics and I will tell you where the buds will grow. Why does it matter anyways? Just let the plant do its thing and you will be fine


Well-Known Member
nodes are where the ishen budz will bee....some sative will make 1 long cola up the main stem at nodes just let it do wat it do baby


Active Member
on my bag seed indica I have a bud spot at almost every branch intersection on every node. Not just down the middle, I think I understand what you mean by down the middle that's more of a sativa seeds you buy on the internet thing.
heres what mine looks like. Ever where you see a "cluster of white hairs" as you put it, thats a devloping bud.


Well-Known Member
on my bag seed indica I have a bud spot at almost every branch intersection on every node. Not just don't the middle, I think I understand what you mean by down the middle that's more of a sativa seeds your buy on the internet thing.
heres what mine looks like
Did you spray your buds like that or did they get rained on? Do not spray your buds when they are flowering you are asking for mold and or bud rot. If you did not spray them than I'm sorry for this post. The plant looks good though man :-P


Active Member
No it's rain she's outdoor. I usually take her in when it rains, but I got home and it was soaked and i thought it was pretty so i took some shots


Some strains produce a large central cola and have few buds beyond that. Others get bushy and produce buds all over. I have a plant right now with a cola on a side branch that is just as big as the central cola.