Bud Mold


Mold found and removed from two large colas on two seperate plants that are both very close to harvest. This is the only mold in the flowering room. Going to keep exhaust and intake fans on during the dark period and not just when the light is on to prevent humidity build up. The plants are ready to chop in the next week. Is this enough prevention to keep the bud mold from returning and causing more damage?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have it under control. Is your humidity below 50%? It's a good idea to keep it around 35-40%, of possible, even a bit lower, during flowering. I run my fans at night, too, and an oscillating fan, kicked in for 15 minutes every hour, and haven't had a problem, ever, with bud mold. :)

Just make sure you've removed all the infected areas, and you should be good to go.