Bud rot i hope not, with pics


Hey guys
First grow and im in the 8th week of flower with mostly all cloudy tricromes and i have noticed a few dead leaves getting sucked into the buds, so when i pulled them off i took a look inside to find it brown and dying. Kind of looks like moss in a few places. Up close inspection with a loupe i think i can see what looks like tiny webs and eggs. Could be spidermite or both. Its only on 3 cola's at the moment in small patches.
How i should i treat this, take the affected cola's off, trim the dead stuff out and leave it be ? Any help ould be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
pull the plant m8, ASAP, it will only get worse and spread, i had this on a grow, pull her down, and dont just hang the buds, try cutting them as small as possible, remove the rotten ones, and check as regular as possible that it aint spreading further (even when they are drying) try using 2 different pairs of scissors to cut her down also, 1 for the 'rotten' bud, and one fro the healthy bud...hope you dont loose too much, fair few orange hairs there anyway...I'd be in the garden now... GL m8.


Ah damn :( was on the home straight aswell. ill start taking her down tonight then, hopefully its only those few cola's that have it.


New Member
yup bud rot what i would do is get a bag and cover the infected bud and cut bud off an in garbage trying not to disturb it to much shitty man


Well-Known Member
yea to both, cover up the infected branches/plants with a bag, cut them, and remove them from the grow. go through it elsewhere for salvage.

go back, check what ya still got.

whats temps in there? whats humidity? it might not be bud rot at all and just mites. if thats the case, then stop flowering after this grow (trying to save what ya got going), then disinfect the entire grow room, your clothes, supplies, everything, and do it again the week after, and the week after (eggs hatching times vary 1-2 weeks, most poisons kill puepae (spelling?) or larvae or the actual insect, but not the eggs).