Bud sites drying out....main fan leaves robust and dark green



I have been growing for 10 yrs. Never has anything like this happened. It is now happening again 2 cycles in a row. The last cycle I had to dispose of all the plants...

I use nothing but House and Garden Aqua Flakes and H&G additives.

What happens if I have great veg. but when I put them into 12/12 after 1-3 weeks the main flower sites and all the prebud sites start to shrivel up and dry up turning a palish greenish yellow.. But all the large fan leaves supporting the main stock and branches remain nice, strong, dark green and keep growing.

I am a stickler about PH and PPM as I said I have been doing this for 10 plus years. PH 5.5 - 6 PPM 800-900

My strains are Grape Ape and Chocolate Chunk. The Grape Ape seems to show signs of the shriveling before the chunk but after a week or two from the first signs, all my plants start to exhibit the problem.

I got some great pictures showing this issue,


Here is what I use.

Veg. growth:
Aqua Flakes A,B
Root Accelerator
Algae Extract
Drip Clean

My Medium is a Peat/Perlite mix aprox. 50/50

My Method: Drain to waste


Well-Known Member
Heat stress, the flower room is hotter than the veg room and light more intense, get cooltubes for flower room.


Active Member
i was actually curious myself since im growing grape ape myself and beginning to do the same thing. Any update on your plant?