bud swells??


My plant has been flowering for over 2-3 weeks and it seems that more white hairs keep growing and the pods (or buds) dont swell.:wall: does anybody know when these pods might start swelling?? im using miracle grow bloom booster and its out doors in a pot. thanks for the help///if you wanna see a picture go to my other threadss


Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks flowering, you're just getting started. Expect more white hair growth for weeks to come. Then the hairs will start turning red and the pods will swell, but probably not for 3 weeks or so...maybe more


Well-Known Member
Also make sure there are no lights shining on your plant at night. I had 2 out of 6 plants acting funny on me once and I couldn't figure out why the buds weren't forming right. Then 4 weeks later I left in the middle of the night and just happened to see a flood night on my neighbors house aimed right at my grow :bash: Turns out it had been on all along an I never noticed because I hadn't been out that late. I felt like breaking it out but at that point I was already screwed so it wouldn't have mattered....