Budding cycle


Active Member
This is my first grow, ive got a female plant:lol: and the budding cycle has began, how long does it take for the buds to form and be fully ready?

and do i continue to water my plant everyday as usual?



Active Member
Depending on the strain of the plant, it will take between 7 and 10 weeks for the plant to be ready for harvest. Watering depends on many factors, such as plant size, pot size, temp, humidity, etc. You want your dirt to be mostly dry before watering. If you have a small pot it may be necessary to water multiple times per day, or if you have a large pot and a small plant, you may only need to water a couple of times per week. What nutrients are you using?


I use a water bottle that i have some crushd banannas/peels an fill em with water an let it sit over night befor i water mine in the morn.that way its like st8 potassium/other nuts in the water that soaks in.good idea no??


Flowering times can vary greatly, and is dependent on the particular strains genetics, lighting, and other factors. If you know the strain, or even what type of cannabis it is, you can do a little research on various strain database websites and get a rough approximation of flowering time. However it will be entirely up to YOU to determine when she is ready to be harvested. Watch the trichomes (I recommend purchasing a cheap pocket scope). Depending on personal preference, harvest when they are 60/40 - 80/20 Milky/Clear for a racy head high, or 30/70 - 50/50 Amber/Milky for a powerful couch-lock body stone. Another indicator of maturity include the pistils making the change from white to orange/brown and receding back into the calyxes, which will then swell.

You should NOT water every day!! Keeping the medium saturated can impede the uptake of important gasses, and can cause your root system to rot. Water the medium thoroughly (don't leave any runoff in the catch) then wait until the first 2-3 inches of topsoil are dry before watering again.

I'd recommend reading up on some of the great articles available on this website for beginning growers. Watching the first Jorge Cervantes video would benefit you as well!
