Budmail.biz down?

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Active Member

I just seen budmail.biz got a blank apache success html website. Anyone know if they're down? :P
I guess they are just moving to another server, but well, hope they're back soon.
I don't like their new international website, shit prices, shit offers, but uh uh - didn't wanted to order at them again, but the weed here sucks, so have to :/


Active Member
He's down for 24 hours. I emailed him and he told me he is renewing his SSL Certificate, so basically site maitenence. No need for allarm. He said orders are still being processed and Updates and confirmations on orders will be posted on their website in priority sequence. and to be honest with ya, budmail has the best product around so far. I tried BestBud and the green crack was good, not crazy tho. and the appolo 13 is very nice, but still budmail has more selection and in my opinion better genitics to offer. Prices are high but what do u expect? You get what u pay for :)


Active Member
He's down for 24 hours. I emailed him and he told me he is renewing his SSL Certificate, so basically site maitenence. No need for allarm. He said orders are still being processed and Updates and confirmations on orders will be posted on their website in priority sequence. and to be honest with ya, budmail has the best product around so far. I tried BestBud and the green crack was good, not crazy tho. and the appolo 13 is very nice, but still budmail has more selection and in my opinion better genitics to offer. Prices are high but what do u expect? You get what u pay for :)
Yeah dude the prices are high, but $230 for a ounce was ok. But I don't like their new international website, their new offers are crap and they are more expensive like before. They told me they did it for the users safety, lol, but I don't belive that since it make no sense if there is 14g or 28g in a pack, and also no sense to make the prices more expensive just for international. Cannadian orders got still the cheap prices and the better orders.
but anyway, better than nothing :)


Active Member
hmmmmm strange...i have never been on the international website. I figured it would have the same selection, just different mailing instructions ect. there anre ounces of the super premuim going for $260 all the way up to $350 canadian for an ounce. not cheap. not what i usually pay for AAA , but good for a change when i am immune to my dealers exotic strains. 350 for some strains is worth it


Active Member
hmmmmm strange...i have never been on the international website. I figured it would have the same selection, just different mailing instructions ect. there anre ounces of the super premuim going for $260 all the way up to $350 canadian for an ounce. not cheap. not what i usually pay for AAA , but good for a change when i am immune to my dealers exotic strains. 350 for some strains is worth it
Yeah, well, I think 350 is quite alot for a ounce :p. If you got the cash, why not. and you can't order anymore more than 14g on their international website, just 7g and 14g + it's more expensive as on the cannadian. And you can't select as much strains as on the cannadian. But still it's a nice website and service, because it's illegal in countrys such germany, and so it's cool that they ship it international. you just can't make any much profit out of their prices if you gonna sell it ;)


Active Member
Yeah, well, I think 350 is quite alot for a ounce :p. If you got the cash, why not. and you can't order anymore more than 14g on their international website, just 7g and 14g + it's more expensive as on the cannadian. And you can't select as much strains as on the cannadian. But still it's a nice website and service, because it's illegal in countrys such germany, and so it's cool that they ship it international. you just can't make any much profit out of their prices if you gonna sell it ;)

Yeah , i think thats why vancouver police don't really care about Mail Order Weed sites running outta their province. Budmails prices are high enuff that u can't sell their product for profit. So its just users, not dealers, using the site. Also vancouver police way more important things to deal with like biker gangs, the triads, the huge heroin and meth problem, violent crimes etc. I just hope that budmail doesnt get as much exposure, via the media, as budbuddy.


Active Member
is that a good site man?
can't wait for my bud
all i can get here is shit.. just need to take a good puff


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I have a question for people about the onlinepot site. I made a topic about it and they deleted it for saying no MOM sites, but this one stays up for a couple pages. I was just wondering if it was legit.. email me if you can about it, zeroskater317@gmail.com

sorry if this gets people mad though, I'm just curious about it and want some insight about trustful sites, but I only want a response from someone who has or know someone who bought from there before not trying to be a dick.


Active Member
hey all! im new here!! what is the cheapest MOM? I read on a forum about a mom through email, can anyone get me the contact? thanks
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