Buds Appearing!


Active Member
Hey ive been in flowering for about a month and a half and first signs of buds are there. How long from now should i start seeing it really bulk up in size because i need to harvest with in the next two-three weeks and I want to know if that is enough time for it bulk up a to a decent amount? My dig. camera broke so sry no pics but im pretty confident in my growing that everything is goin well. Get back to me.



Well-Known Member
How much red light are you using, 1.5 months seems a little long to begin showing sex.


Well-Known Member
i got crappy 200w enviro light its taken 4 days to show proper sex...
i hate to think what lights you have them under.....:?


Well-Known Member
Why do you all force-flower? Wait till your plant preflowers, she's telling you to start her budding cycle, that's when she's mature...you wouldn't drink wine that was just made would you?...you need to let the plants do the talking, and you will get better bud...PERIOD!!!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Lol...ok then...but on a general rule by the time a plant is 8 weeks of age it shows sex...some show earlier...mine showed at 5 weeks of age. And if height is a problem there are several methods to keep them shorter.

Also too... most plants take there full time anyways..even WHEN you force flower...so if after 4 days you plants must be close to 6+ weeks.