Buds are just appearing


hey guys first time growing here so i got a simple question might b stupid i just wanna know the buds are just staring to appear ne idea how long it will take b4 they are done?


Well-Known Member
2 years is an understatement, takes a marijuana plant about 4 years to truly finish. Might aswell get that bachelors while you wait.


Well-Known Member
Dude, just go to the FAQ section in the very top of your screen on the right hand side. It will help you with just about every thing you need to know.



Well-Known Member
WTF you mean you can't wait 4 years? You may as well trash them. Weed doesn't grow on trees. It's an investment and if your not willing to put the time in then why grow. Sorry if I'm being mean but I'm passionate about this plant. Cocaine takes 7 years but the people on cokeitup.org don't cry. Goodluck


Well-Known Member
WTF you mean you can't wait 4 years? You may as well trash them. Weed doesn't grow on trees. It's an investment and if your not willing to put the time in then why grow. Sorry if I'm being mean but I'm passionate about this plant. Cocaine takes 7 years but the people on cokeitup.org don't cry. Goodluck

LMAO! Cokeitup.org!



Well-Known Member
The tops should start yellowing round about 2 week into flowering,you should also start to see small white hairs but don't worry if there not there yet they will come.The flowering stage takes around 8 week but i always let mine go 1 extra week for extra crstal production.Make sure that you flush the plants about once every 2 week for best results if you are new to growing get into the flushing the plants will pay you back 10 fold.Flush with about 3 ltr of water ph of 5.5 and leave for about 1 hour in a bath so the excess water can drain off.Then after waiting add some new made nutrients when the run of has stoped leave for a while then put back in the grow room.My advice to you would be watch the i grow cronic dvd on you tube and pick some of his tips up.His yeild is not up to much to say he is growing hydrophonicly but a great watch.