Buds thin not dense


Active Member
I look for help again from the most experienced people :) So... my Power Skunk that i got from Attitude seed bank has been flowering for about 4-5 weeks. This is my fourth grow. I have never had any success with getting dense buds. They are super crystallized but not dense. I've grown white widow, diesel, bag seed and now this. I have two of the bottle c02 since flowering(have changed it every two weeks). I add sugar to the water and my nutrients are left over general hydroponics from when I had hydroponics. Sugar and nutrients are added every watering. Plant holds it really well. The soil is monrovia potting soil from armstrong gardens. Its very good soil and I added about %30-40 pure worm castings. Even my hydro had the same problem. I've been using the same light(new bulb every grow). A 150w HPS. This grow as you can see from the picture is about 9 inches away from the furthest bud. Its probably only about 7 inches. None of the buds even those only two inches away are any denser. Included are pictures.

Side note-- Also, if its related none of my plants have ever been super skunky. They have a "herbal" smell but never weedish. Only my white widow needed a carbon filter but not really. I could have done without it and it wouldn't change to much, only the slight herbal smell. I don't do anything other than mentioned and my plants always tend to grow well with no problems.

Each grow only got better. The last grow I got a half o. This grow should be almost an ounce maybe a tad more. Any suggestions/comments about my setup let me know. I have a 250w coming on Wednesday. The setup is 22 inches by 17 inches. Not sure of height.



Active Member
They will fatten up a little more before harvest, but honestly it's most likely just the strain you're growing
they arent getting fat and dense because you are most likely picking them b4 they have a chance to finally finish ripening

how many days have those pics been flowering for?? and how much longer b4 you would usually pick?? those sativas can take anywhere from 75+ days easily.


Active Member
I only ask because it has been with all my strains. This has been the biggest so far. I'm at 8 weeks or right around there. It took 3 weeks from flowering for it to start to show sex. so if not counting that then 5 weeks. The hairs are about 10% brown. I usually wait until about 80-90% brown, 10% white. I also check the Trichs with a microscope. I wait until about 80% are golden trichromes. I know they fatten up a bit but for some reason I always have this problem. Is 150w hps about 9 inches enough for one plant that is lst? I always heard it was.


Active Member
bro get a 400-600 watty and i bet!!! you'll get some fat as dense nugs like your looking for...make sure that light is up on those buds....Its all about your lighting bro...I learned this the hard way...until I upgraded too a 600 watty i was pulling "popcorn" bud....now I get fat dense big buds....IMO....