Bug keeps eating my plant .... Possible snail?

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So this afternoon i went outside to see how she was going and i noticed some leafs being eaten, i tried to find some more information online and i noticed that it could possibly be a snail but i am second guessing myself.


New Member
That is not nail or slug damage , it would be much worse and very low on the plant if it was . It appears to be either a caterpillar or perhaps a stink bugs damage , either way its minor and it will not harm the plant unless it becomes infested and then you would know what did this :)


Well-Known Member
Don't be passive with this though, I have to respectfully disagree with the professor. My last crop had little green caterpillars which led to bud rot and it spread very quickly and I had to harvest early. If you have at least a week before you harvest, I'd give it a good spray of malathion. You don't want to f around with bugs. If you go to the store, I'm sure you can find some Bonide Fruit Tree Spray, it has malathion as well as captan which is a fungicide. It doesn't work on powdery mildew, so if you develop that, you'll have to switch to something else or add it to the mix.

Some people are afraid of using malathion in flower, but it's either bugs or spray. The main concern most people have is bud rot, but with the fungicide included in the mix, I don't think that will be a problem. It wasn't a problem for me and I think it's actually what helped keep the bud rot problem at a minimum... I'll call if 'bug rot'.
The stuff smells nasty, but I never tasted or smelled a trace of it in my product and you shouldn't either as long as you don't spray within a week of trimming. It takes a week for it to break down.


Well-Known Member
If you're trying to be "organic" neem oil will be fine. Wettable sulphur works well too. I don't like the way neem oil smells and I'm concerned that it might diminish the quality of the trichomes seeing as how it is an oil.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I don't even really see any significant damage to your plant. Photos don't show everything though. On second thought, neem oil should be fine. You don't really have any buds for the bugs to get inside. The neem oil will keep most of the bugs away.