BUGGS.... IDK what but i need them gone.. Help Plz


Well-Known Member
So it is exactly 1 week since i flipped to 12/12 and i am seein a lot of bugs. the are in the soil and around the rim or the pot. They are small but visible enough to see moving around. I dont know hoe to describe them theyre are little and like black. when googling MJ bugs i got aphids as the closet thing to them. How can i get rid of them? Something that wont harm my babies. I believe i also have thrips. What to do??? +rep for all help:peace:


Well-Known Member
You need to post pictures of the bugs or the damage to your plant to say what they are for sure. Do they have wings? Are they big enough to see their legs and body parts, like aphids? Or do they look much smaller, like tiny black specks of pepper. Also do they move slow or fast?

Look up information on Spider Mites. If you have those, you need to do something FAST, because they will multiply and take over your plant very quickly.


Well-Known Member
i do have spider mites. im working on that problem with neem oil at his moment.They move very slow and are like specks of pepper . little fat specks of pepper. I tryed to get apic but it didnt seeem too goo ill try again now.. just got pics. not too clear but hope they help.. will post after i upload em


Well-Known Member
This is the plant where i am seeing the bugs.

My attempt at takin pictures of th bugs.
this is the flying one. it has like clear or white wings. locate right below the piece of perlite sticking on the side.

There are a bunch of these crawling aroun the rim of this pot and in the soil. They are small and fat.. like round bodies tiny heads.. couldnt get that great of a pic sorry but i tried..



Well-Known Member
you can actually see them better on the rim of the pot in the 4th pic. Theres alot of them.. What do iuse to get rid of them ASAP


Well-Known Member
Sorry, those pictures just aren't clear enough for me to tell what they are. It looks too big to be a spider mite, however. It seems like you have a lot of different bugs on that thing. Have you been taking it inside and outside? How did it get so many bugs?

Far and away the spider mites are the ones you have to worry about the most. The only thing I have ever found that woked to get rid of them was no-pest strips, this is what they look like:

View attachment 904611

It should take care of most of the other bugs you have too. These things work by building up a level of poisonous gas in the space that you hang them in. That means you need to be able to put your plant and lights into a small area that you can seal up pretty well. If there is too much ventilation or the area doesn't seal well then the strips aren't going to work like they are supposed to. You will still need to open the sealed area to check on your plants and water them, but for the most part they need to stay sealed up with the poison to let it work correctly.

You need to use them for 2 weeks, to make sure that any mites that hatch from eggs that have been laid die as they try to breathe the poisonous air. If you take away the poison before all the eggs hatch, the mites will be able to hatch, breed, and your problem will start all over.

Also, how often are you watering? Watering too often will lead to some bugs coming around, you should only be watering every 3-5 days depending on how fast the plant dries out. Make sure to thouroughly wet the soil so water starts coming out the drainholes in your pot. Then don't water it again until the top 2 inches of soil dries out. Giving it a small amount of water every day is not a good idea.


Well-Known Member
I water every 3-4 days. I ususally water depending on weight of my pots. So many bugs. Idk i leave my closet open all the time becasue o have not got the proper exhaust fan. My room is not air tight and i am planning on getting a pretty powerful vent fan but i was going to pick up some strips this weeekend. i do not take it outside i dont know why i got bug. when i get then vent hooked up this weekend i will be able to leave the door closed and turn off the vent during lights out. Do you think that will be good for the strips to work? How far up till harvest can i use these?


Well-Known Member
I don't like to use the no-pest strips once I have started the flowering stage but a lot of people use them throughout flowering, so it's up to you. I would do it asap though, because those mites will reproduce like crazy if you don't do something to slow them down.

You'll need the room to be able to build a good enough concentration of the poison to kill the mites. You may want to buy 2 or 3 strips depending on how big the room is that you're using. Venting the room might cause them not to work as well. You can check after a few days to see if you can still see mites running around, if so then the poison isn't getting strong enough to work.


Well-Known Member
okay but poision arounf my girls does not sound like a gr8 idea.. but either do bugs. FML.. IMa go pick some up... thanks a lot man.. i reallyy do appreciate your help.. ill update wen i get me n see some progress..