Bugs?? Help newbie outdoor grow I’ll pay for info$;)


Well-Known Member
Here’s pictures and some of my leaves have like little baby white dots I see flies all the time and sometimes big chunks taken out


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But no seriously if your just noticing a few things here and there it’ll happen outside as most pest are just passing by and aren’t infesting the actual plant. You can spread some diatomaceous earth on top layer of soil. I don’t like to spray the outside plants with many things as they get burned by the sun.
But no seriously if your just noticing a few things here and there it’ll happen outside as most pest are just passing by and aren’t infesting the actual plant. You can spread some diatomaceous earth on top layer of soil. I don’t like to spray the outside plants with many things as they get burned by the sun.
My man ty I just sprayed captain jacks been oil bc I got od paranoid…I have been seeing these same damn colorful flies that live on it during the day they legit don’t leave but they tiny fookers…
But no seriously if your just noticing a few things here and there it’ll happen outside as most pest are just passing by and aren’t infesting the actual plant. You can spread some diatomaceous earth on top layer of soil. I don’t like to spray the outside plants with many things as they get burned by the sun.
Also my bottom tiny leaves r dying


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That happens as the plant gets older and matures. You can always make some citrus water and spray the leafs I seen some white specs on a few leafs. Over all though you’re plant looks good.
Do you think I can get atleast a oz from her? She’s in direct sunlight all day planted her late tho
Indoor or out I spray weekly to keep bugs down because they Will come & usually by the time you see em they've already done damage. A few drops of Palmolive in a half gal pump sprayer is a cheap & effective fix. I alternate with spinosad, pyrethrin & low Coast. If you don't alternate they seem to build an immunity to one or the other
You should always read the label. Never just blindly apply any products unless you know “ how to use it “.

Capt. Jack’s Dead Bug spray is a RTU ( ready to use ) broad spectrum killer ( spinosad ). Meaning it will cover a wide range of pests.
You should always read the label. Never just blindly apply any products unless you know “ how to use it “.

Capt. Jack’s Dead Bug spray is a RTU ( ready to use ) broad spectrum killer ( spinosad ). Meaning it will cover a wide range of pests.
So my plant won’t die?!