Building sound proof enclosures for Vortex fans - any wood working plans available?


Active Member

My name is Mya and I have been visiting the forums here for a few years now and have learned so much information it's incredible. Though I haven't posted often, I have spent many late nights clicking through the threads here and absorbing all the great tips and tricks. Now that I am getting prepared to start my own stealth grow, I imagine I will be participating on the boards more.

I recently purchased a Gorilla Grow Tent (24" x 48" x 81") which I will be setting up in my bedroom closet for a stealth grow in the coming couple of months. Slowly I have been picking up my items needed by way of watching for deals, and tonight will be stopping by a craigslister's work on my way home to pick up a box of four 4" vortex inline fans (bought for $185.00) as a LOT.

My concern with these fans are the noise/vibrations. Stealth is very important to me, and in looking online, I have seen several people who have documented how they've constructed a soundproofing box for their Vortex's with excellent results. Unfortunately I've never actually come across any blueprint plans which, for myself, would really be helpful as I am not exactly a builder, but am fairly good with basic tools.

Here is one example I found which included pictures of what I would like to accomplish myself:

Here is the end result of this gardener's project:


I would like to emulate what this man did. His box was constructed for a 6" vortex and unfortunately he didn't include any of the dimensions of his wood so I could try and replicate it to my smaller sized fans. Mine fans are 4". Are there any men or women out there that have created one of these boxes for a 4" Vortex or know if there's blueprints, plans or dimensions I should use? I can't really ask anyone to make them for me LOL and would like to keep my entire garden totally secret. Or, can anyone suggest a best method of creating a pattern so I don't goof up the dimensions?

IMO, having downloadable blueprints available for download would be an awesome addition to Roll It Up....any maybe they already exist and I just haven't found them yet? Once I get my boxes done (I will be making at least two), I am happy to upload a pattern for others to follow with dimensions etc.


Well-Known Member
Is the fan really loud or is it the air? I just made a duct muffler and it really quieted down my exhaust noise. wrapping ducting helps as well.

I hang my fan from the ceiling with bungee cords to isolate any vibration transfer.

That pic looks like a cardboard box with a hole cut in it. Stuff some foam in there, cut hole for power cord and viola!