Burnt leaf edges and my own confusion.


Hi everybody

This is my first time grow ever under somewhat optimal circumstances in my current situation.

Recently my plant have shown signs of what I think is Mg def. and therefore I started to foliar spray them with a Epsom salt solution (1 teaspoon of Epsom/1L). They also receive Advanced Hydroponics fertilizer, but only half of what the label describes. (The fertilizer and the Mg solutions has both been applied in foliar spray and regular watering).

Now some of the plants leaf edges have begun to dry out, and I'm beginning to worry a bit.

I'm lost on the strain, because I got them from a friend who has forgotten what strain they are, and he's kinda a doofus, so he can't backtrack his steps.

I have four plants growing under a 400W HPS Adjust'A'Wing medium reflector, they grow in a soil mix with a PH of about 6.5.

I've added some pics, and I really hope someone can help me.




Active Member
well im gion thru my first grow myself lol so im not an expert (plus im usin ebb&flow hydro) but some of mine are experiencin the same thing. actually, a few are sufferin from diff symptoms lol but a simple flush and adjustment of nutes seemed to have done the trick. although the some leaves are yellow tipped or completly yellowy-green theyre showin no signs of loss of vigor. so i wouldnt worry too bad, from what ive read its somewhat normal and judgin from the pics ur plants seem to be doin just fine. if anything, take the nutes just a little bit, and see how they do :bigjoint: good luck!


Hi LightningMcGreen >D Thanks for your reply, I've been waiting idly by my computer for someone to see my thread :D

I'll try cutting back the nutes for a while till they get better.. I'm a bit afraid of flushing the plant atm. since they have already been flushed once because of my inexperience with fertilizer product :)

I'll go Bubbleponics in my next grow, seems to me from what I've read that its a lot easier to diagnose plant health in those systems.


Active Member
yea dude totally i mean ive never grown in soil, prolly shoulda started that way since its easier but ima balls-to-the-wall kinda person haha but just seems alotta trouble haulin a bunch of dirt around constantly. plus hydro is the most optimal and maintenance free set up once u get all ur timers set, not to mention pot transplant isnt so messy ;-) but hopefully we'll both be smokin on sumthin good ina couple months! bongsmilie


The dirt part I can certainly agree on XD Since its my first real grow I haven't gotten around to dedicating a whole room for the grow, so I kinda messed up my bathroom when transplanting :D

I'm so looking forward to begin my hydro grow since I'm somewhat experienced in computer programming, my whole setup will be monitored day and night by a server :D What plants are you growing?


Active Member
I actually have no idea lol started w/just sum bagseed. had 2 diff bags, 1 was full of juz the seedy mountain shit thats amock LOL and the other was seeds from sum good mids when i was in ATL ona vacation. got 11 altogether (one seed actually had 2 sprouts, i just today had to pick which one deserved to keep goin ha) and its lookin a mix of indica and sativa. im anxious to see what happens, this is the first time ive actually ever seen weed grow in person :bigjoint:


Active Member
Those little burns you have could be caused by a lot of things,like stored nutes in your soil and when you water too much your plants tend to burn a little,or your feeding them too high of nutrient concentration. Your plants look like they need to be transplanted,so put all four plants in 5 gallon pots this will give you more root space for your plants to grow thicker and bigger and you wont have to fertalize as much. Don't flush just transplant and water regularly,after a week and a half start a mild fertalizer program again. Your plants are fine just a little burn,goodluck. Oregon The Chronic State.


Well-Known Member
That looks like mag deficiency.........might be a ph issue or the water you use or just not enough nutes


#smokie927: Do you think I could keep them in the pots they are in now and still get a decent yield? I'm really not that comfortable transplanting them either since I'm about to move and thinking it might give them a big shock..

#LightningMcGreen: I'm using a blend of soil.. One half nusery soil, other half a soil containing the following: N, Ammonium-N, P, K, Mg, B, Mo, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe and has a PH of 6 from the beginning. I can take a pic of the bag if you want, and get hold of the info of the nusery soil :)

#jcdws602: The PH is about 6.5.. Do you think that's to high/low?


Active Member
oh well u shud b golden then lol thot u mite have been usin sum miracle grow or sum shit like that ha gunna say those kindsa soils have those time release nutes n can really F up ur feedin amounts n schedules if its not noted...where i live there isnt a botanical or horticultural store within 200 miles :wall:...all i got to work with is wat i can find ata local Walmart, Lowes, or Co-op n they all dont have a thing when it comes to MJ growin supplies lol...another reason i just said screw it n went hydro n ordered everything online. but yea dude keep me posted on how ur plants do, id like to compare n contrast hydro vs organic results :bigjoint:


We'll a little update. They're not getting worse, actually all of them have grown a bit since i posted XD Quite a bit >D So I think I might have burned them a bit by foliar spray..

200 miles?! :oDamn! Then I'll praise myself lucky.. Got a store near me which only sells MJ growing supplies, including seeds :bigjoint:

Sure I'll keep you posted, I'll just add you as a friend on the site here.. It'll be nice to have someone to compare/share growing ideas with :bigjoint: