Burnt or pollinated


So I’m 39days into flower I went away for 4 days I had my brother look after plants I came back and all hairs are brown look burnt only the top of the top buds are like this. He said he sprayed some safers 3 in 1 but I doubt that would do this? Could they be burnt from sprayed during lights on Or could it have been a hiding nanner popped and pollinated? Any input would be appreciated thanks



Well-Known Member
Yes spraying that Safers could do that. Why are you spraying that stuff on plants that far along in flower? The "Safe until harvest" claim they make does not apply to a plant like cannabis where you'll be smoking the flower. They are referring to fruits and vegetables that will be washed before consumption. I wouldn't want to smoke the residue it leaves behind.

I don't understand why people would contaminate their weed. There was someone just yesterday that dusted their buds with Sevin dust a week out from harvest. It boggles the mind.

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