Bush administration incursion into Syria.


Well-Known Member
What do you folks read into this? Special interest groups playing with fire by proxy? Or is it a case of noble, misunderstood men doing the tough work that must be done for America....and the world. Something else entirely perhaps?

I am not sure what to think regarding motive, but i don't like it. An outgoing administration behaving like this is tantamount to weird as fuck. Obama looks headed for victory......This is a headfuck.

This is a hot potato.

Syria condemns American 'terrorist aggression' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


New Member
That encampment was five miles across the Syrian border. The enemy based there were coming across the Iraqi border in successful attempts to kill our military men. For Joe Biden's and Sarah Palin's sons ... I say good job special ops!

yea i support the troops till death and might turn up to be one but seriously i think the bush adm. has made some errors and yes they put us into a deffiset but really there is nothing we cant clime out of i think this move is a risk but for the better


Well-Known Member
That encampment was five miles across the Syrian border. The enemy based there were coming across the Iraqi border in successful attempts to kill our military men. For Joe Biden's and Sarah Palin's sons ... I say good job special ops!

It's pretty hard to believe that in 7 years of war, there have been less than hundreds of opportunities similar to this one that haven't precipitated military action. Why now? :?:


New Member
It's pretty hard to believe that in 7 years of war, there have been less than hundreds of opportunities similar to this one that haven't precipitated military action. Why now? :?:
Because the Bush Administration grew a pair of Palins? bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Man, I can't believe how obsessed people are about America's stature in other nation's eyes. Seriously, this isn't highschool. Popularity isn't everything.


New Member
usa is in iraq illegally anyway so this is just more of the same bullshit. support the troops by bringing them home out of the line of fire. why should they die for a lie


New Member
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,470 for "the iraq war is legal"---------- Results 1 - 10 of about 19,000 for "the iraq war is illegal"--------google it for yourself

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
well, house and senate both passed declaration of war, so again, how is it illegal.

and so what if it pops up on google. i can get google topop up what i want it to.


New Member
Congressional authorization - if you read Section 3, paragraph B, Bush was required to prove to the Congress that Iraq was in violation of UN Resolutions by still being in possession of weapons of mass destruction, and secondly, that Iraq was behind 9-11. Both claims have since been disproved and discredited, and appear to be created by the Pentagon


Well-Known Member
It's pretty hard to believe that in 7 years of war, there have been less than hundreds of opportunities similar to this one that haven't precipitated military action. Why now? :?:
This one made the news,Alot of good missions that spare soldiers,sailors and marines lives are conducted without a big mess.Special ops has it in hand.I sleep better because they do!!! "The only easy day was yesterday"USNS:blsmoke:


New Member
Results 1 - 10 of about 1,470 for "the iraq war is legal"---------- Results 1 - 10 of about 19,000 for "the iraq war is illegal"--------google it for yourself
I don't wish to be rude, but that is not a smart comment. :roll:


This is overdue by about 5 years, but still worth doing! Even the Iraqi Govt. has had enough of Syria. The Syrian airport has been a entrance point for hundreds of suicide bombers.

I say well done. About time. :blsmoke:



New Member
how many scary days did you have before dubya got into office and how many since? you forget how it was before dubya i think, it wasnt perfect by any stretch but it was soooooo much better, and it just keeps getting worse and they keep poring on the gas.


New Member
I don't wish to be rude, but that is not a smart comment. :roll:


This is overdue by about 5 years, but still worth doing! Even the Iraqi Govt. has had enough of Syria. The Syrian airport has been a entrance point for hundreds of suicide bombers.

I say well done. About time. :blsmoke:

well i thought the question was pretty stupid considering this has all been out in the media for some time but some people can pretend that this is not an illegal war


Well-Known Member
well i thought the question was pretty stupid considering this has all been out in the media for some time but some people can pretend that this is not an illegal war
It wasn't an illegal war, there was still a state of war between the United States and Iraq from 1991 when we went in under the UN mandate. That war never ended in a peace treaty, but just in a cease fire.

Much like the Korean War, which also ended in a cease fire and not a peace treaty (thus the continued presence of US Troops on the Korean Peninsula)

Of course, both of those actions were undertaken under UN Mandates, so it is questionable as to whether or not the US should have gotten involved.

The issue with the current Iraq war however is clearer, because the President was authorized to use military force in Iraq, which is, using common sense, the authorization to engage in war, or military operations, and thus effectively a declaration of war.