Bushmaster's Vertical Plant Growth Inhibitor


My question is " is this stuff safe to use on herbs that I'm going to smoke"
What's in this stuff ? Chemicals? I don't know, I want to know before I use it.
Any help would be appreciated, Thankyou. DennyO


Well-Known Member
State of Cali say it causes cancer, but what plant food / additive dosent if ingested in high amounts.
I honestly don't think it would hurt you.

I just use topping an training to get small lady's.
It free an safer.


Active Member
I used it a couple of times and although the results are good in the end, I think it's bad news. Just the way it makes the leaves curl up and look like spinach tells me it's not natural. I'm going to stick to topping and LST - I can do enough damage to my body organically so I try to avoid the obvious chemical land mines!



Well-Known Member
state of cali says everything causes cancer....

topping and/or LST is a tried and true method of vertical growth inhibiting.


Well-Known Member
i have used it a few times
good results
eventhough i heard of issues in cali
rest of the world got no issues wit it