Buying cigarettes online?

Hi all,

I've just placed an order at a site called cigsmegamall for a small amount of cigarettes.

Their shipping seems excruciatingly long - 28 days!

Has anybody used these guys or know any other reputable online cigarette companies?

Thanks guys

Toke up!
.........................................quit and save a heap of dough ;)
I wasn't asking for an opinion on the debate of smoking and the price of cigarettes.

I just want to know if anybody has used any other reputable online cigarette retailer or has had experiences with cigsmegamall.


Toke up!


Well-Known Member

............Seems Legit

anyways I think I've heard of people getting screwed for taxes when some of these companies get busted.


Active Member
yup had that same thing happen to me when I smoked.. I was ordering Natural Tabacco cigs off the net, the governement popped them and I recieved a bill in the mail for almost 300 bucks in unpaid tax, so take that for what its worth

Total Head

Well-Known Member
how much money are you saving? i would be concerned about getting stale ciggs from an online place, but paying 8 bucks a pack tends to lower one's standards a bit.

around here we usually just make border runs to new hampshire and grab some cartons. beer is a lot cheaper there, too. i will happily extend my middle finger to my home state's tax collector. some of these taxes are just plain rape. we even had a congress guy make the news for driving to new hampshire to load his trunk with beer after HE signed off on the beer tax increase in mass. fuck 'em all.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about e-cigs...we buy from and have never had any issues, and as far as they have found so far e-cigs don't seem to kill you...I mean they haven't really given it too much it might be killing me, but i know for a fact that cigarettes this way I can get my fix but not necessarily lung cancer...way cheaper than regular cigarettes...if you use the coupon code kmarine0120 at checkout you get 10% off...and I have another one for 15% off if you are interested. I have never bought traditional cigs online...but have bought these...every 2 weeks for a year in


Well-Known Member
yup had that same thing happen to me when I smoked.. I was ordering Natural Tabacco cigs off the net, the governement popped them and I recieved a bill in the mail for almost 300 bucks in unpaid tax, so take that for what its worth
Lemme guess, American Spirit?. I used to order from them, IRS ended that in a hurry.


Active Member
I bet you can get cigarettes cheaper if everybody legalizes weed!:finger: tell all your friends, cigarettes will be so cheap! this thread belongs on :!: