Buying lights?


Well-Known Member
Ok so my grow isnt going to well only one out of the 3 seeds have sprouted so far and i dont think its my lowryder so quiet disapointed, was thinking about getting a new light since at the moment i have 5 20watt cfl's. Was thinking take the middle one out and put in it's place 125watt dual cfl like this Dual 125w Hydroponics CFL & hanger grow light lamp bulb on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 05-Jul-08 15:22:17 BST) My question is will the bulb be to heavy to just hang down like my other lights? Pic below incase i didnt explain well enough! Advice people please!



Well-Known Member
Yer i'm in the UK, didn't really want to spend that much since i already hav 5 cfl's in my grow cabinet, and yet not much sucess with my plants!

Was looking and most of the refecltors look quiet big and i think i would struggle to fit them in my space, didn't really wanna do away with all my other cfl's since the bulbs sent me bak about £25 i'm tight with my money! lol. Well i don't have a lot to spare! So that's why i was thinking about just replacing the middle one, bit worried that the bulb will be too heavy to just hang like that though.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Fair enough. You have enough light in there for the next few weeks at least.
Nice cab by the way.

There are some new LEDs out that are supposed to be as good as HPS and are really low temp. I can't find them now. LEDs are usually crap but these looked OK for a stealth grow like yours. :hump:

Will you be using any fans?

Feel free to check out my journal. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yer i have 3 fans at the moment 1 pc exhaust fan to take out the hot air, and two 60mm pc fans blowing cool air in.


Active Member
Growing herb, really good herb is not a budget operation. You have to spend the money on the right stuff. your light, ventilation and nutrients are where you should be droppoing the bucks for success. The light is probably the most important one hands down. Reason being is that even if you bought crappy nutrient a powerful light can still compensate for that. the next big thing is vegetative growth requires the blue light of your CFL's while flowering (proper flowering) requires the red light of HPS. These facts wont change and your quality will suffer if you do not invest in the proper tools for the Job. Nobdy said growing bud was the poor mans hobby. It isnt. In fact it can be downright expensive. 200-250 is not too much to pay for a 400 or 600 watt Hps system. I spent nealry $1000 on my setup, but i am getting predicatable results.