Buying off eBay


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here bought lights off eBay. I'm thinking of buying either a 250 or 400 watt HPS & MH kit combined. Most of the ones I've seen are being shipped from the US. Does anyone know how long they'll take to get to Canada? Also how secure is eBay? Can you get ripped off? All of the places I've seen have high positive feedback scores, how reliable are these? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I got my lights from htg supplys e bay store..also have bought dozens of things off e bay and have never been ripped off..not sure about shipping to canada...


bud bootlegger
i personally would never buy anything electronic off of ebay.. not saying your going to get ripped off or whatever, but what if you have an issue with the item?? returns and the like can be a nightmare from what i've read on here and a few other sites..
i was just reading a thread like two days ago on here where someone paid over $2k for some led lights off an ebay "store" which in fact turns out to be some guys house in the woods in maine.. he had a problem with the lamps, shocker there, and when he contacted the seller, a nightmare ensued... he's still out his $2k, and doesn't have the lamps anymore either..
i would much rather take my business to a legit online store .. someone like htg supply, or any number of other legit co's that i know will be there for me if and when i have an issue with a product.. the extra money spent goes a long way for the peace of mind that i'm getting from buying from a reputable dealer.....
just my $.02 though..


Well-Known Member
HTG supply sells on eBay.......... Not everyone on eBay is a crook... look for dealers that have a LOT of feedback and make sure it is above 98%. You are also protected against fraud as an eBay buyer. I currently have over $25 in eBay bucks built up... I do all online transactions through eBay if i can. I've been a member since 2000, back when there were only a few thousand of us. There are some bad guys, hell, they own brick fronts as well. If you rely on feedback and gut instinct, you'll be fine.