Buying seeds in a completely NO MJ state.

Mr. Weash

I am looking at buying seeds online but I live in a very conservative state. If I buy them and they are shipped to my address, is that illegal?



Well-Known Member
the possesion of marijuana seeds is illegal in states where it is still criminalized. but buying online the worst that could happen is customs takes your seeds then sends you a letter in the mail saying "we have yo shit. if you want it come get it, if not we are going to throw it away" (not verbatim buuuuut thats basically what it will say)


Well-Known Member
99% chance you wont get in trouble legally unless you buy like 100+ seeds. but since you are worrying about it I'm guessing you're new to growing so youll only be buying like a max of 20 at a time.


I've bought seeds on the internet and unless you live in my state I promise mine is more conservative. Its all low key, your credit card will not say MJ seeds anywhere, its always something stupid but lowkey, and gets sent with real discrete packaging. Its no worries.


Active Member
To be honest this is outside state law. The U.S. Government is still fully 100% against MJ in any form Medical or otherwise. When you order seeds you are breaking Fedral law by by having Illeagal substance brought accross U.S. Borders. It does not matter if you state says its legal or not.

That being said unless your talking large amounts the worse thing that will happen is you wont get your seeds cause they will be taken by customs they may send you a leter stating they took the seeds from a package with your address on it. But thats about it. Some seed banks will even resend your order if that happens.