buying seeds...

bout to get some. can i use a fake name for the address i send it to or will tht not work cuz they'll send it back to the post office. how does tht work i dont know anything about the mail


New Member
I had some beans shipped to my place under a fake name. They won't take it back to the post office, they don't know your name or who lives at your address. I still get shit mail from like 3 different people that used to live here. One time I randomly had some toy action figures shipped to me. How do I know they were toy action figures? Because I opened the box and kept them.
I had some beans shipped to my place under a fake name. They won't take it back to the post office, they don't know your name or who lives at your address. I still get shit mail from like 3 different people that used to live here. One time I randomly had some toy action figures shipped to me. How do I know they were toy action figures? Because I opened the box and kept them.
Haha nothing like free action figures. And just use a fake name mate and you will be fine, if the bacon comes knocking on ya door remember deny,deny and act shocked lol.


Well-Known Member
Do the test yourself Buddy. Go to the closest mail-box and mail yourself a fake letter under a false name. Not every mail man work the same way, It will cost you less than a $ to do the test


Well-Known Member
^ what he said. Ive had mail men not deliver mail that wasnt a regular name he seen at a specific address. But honestly I wouldnt worry ive never had a problem getting the beans I order.

Another thing to think about some seedbanks (i dont wanna throw names out) wont guarentee delivery if you have it shipped to a false name. I guess if the card you use shares the same false name that would cover ur ass on that part of it.