C02 contraption with baking soda and vinegar? any imput?


Well-Known Member
K so I'm thinkin about making a contraption with 2 5gal buckets, a sub pump and sum PVC. My plan is to have 1 bucket with vinegar and the other with baking soda. The bucket with baking soda will be sealed with 1/2inch pvc running out the top and over my canopny. The baking soda will be fed vinegar via 1/4inch tubing with an ez sprayer at the end coming in. The 1/4inch tubing will be ran to the baking soda bucket from the vingar bucket hooked up to a small, cheep sub pump.I'm useing an ez sprayer at the end cuz I think 15mins from jus the tube will be too much vinegar, but then its sumthin I'm gonna have to play with and figure out. 3 times a day my fan will shut off for a 1/2hr and the pump will be on for 15mins. The pump will pump vinegar into the baking soda causing C02 to run out the pvc and fall on my plants threw drilled wholes(maybe ez sprayers). Now my question is, does any1 make C02 like this? Will this become expensive and uneffiecent? How much supplies would it take to run this for 15mins and will this be effective? How far would say 1 box of baking soda and a bottle of vinegar go?Thnx. RR


Well-Known Member
ya but its A: $100 and B: i have to order it as my hydro shop doesnt carry this.. then ill have to worry about ordering refills


Well-Known Member
True dat. In theory your setup sound good. I just think the baking soad will become a cakey brick. Plus the smell?? Its gotta smell like a douche:)


Well-Known Member
Hahaha. Douche! Hahah I nvr thought bout that. Well I could use another acid like lemon juice or perhaps like car battery acid?


Well-Known Member
Now ur gettin dangerous. Id invest the $125 for the co2 boost. Its a investment. After 1st harvest it would def of paid for itself... Stay SAFE either way..


Well-Known Member
too much whizzazz...

just take some water, sugar and yeast and mix it up in a soda bottle. about 1 cup o sugar and 1 packet of yeast.

a lot LOT cheaper and it works just the samel....