Cain Is Toast


Well-Known Member
He was never going to get the nomination in any case, but word has it that Cain may be gone by next week. Held a conf call with staff to announce he is "reevaluating" his candidacy.

Want a laugh? Bachmann is hopeful that if it happens, she'll benefit lol


New Member
He was never going to get the nomination in any case, but word has it that Cain may be gone by next week. Held a conf call with staff to announce he is "reevaluating" his candidacy.

Want a laugh? Bachmann is hopeful that if it happens, she'll benefit lol
Well according to well known sources
Cain will fuck anything including marcus bachman


Well-Known Member
Just heard another sound bite from Cain. He was talking about how these people "continue to dig up these stories". It may be just semantics on my part, but he didn't say "make up these stories." In my mind, you can't dig something up that doesn't exist. Digging it up is finding it.


New Member
Well for some reason AP posted this video twice...never seen them do that..found it quite odd...I didn't watch it yet..

They are each 3 hours apart


New Member
and then later they double posted this.....I think their script must be broke...hours apart



Well-Known Member
you can't dig something up that doesn't exist. Digging it up is finding it.
Fact exists just the same as rumors get started, thus rumors exist too.

I'm not on the Cain band wagon, however i feel I'll wait to see/hear more proof than
what has been presented before making a judgement.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
No proof. None.

Cain is just another victim of the Alinsky NeoLeft.

Newt will be next ... but this time, maybe ... just maybe, Newt will out smart them. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
Newt has a self destruct button, everyone knows that. But, even if he doesn't crash and burn during the primaries and somehow gets the nomination, I am sure they are saving the good stuff they have on him for the general. Why waste it now anyway, when the GOP is in cannibal mode lol


New Member
Cain has formally announced that he is dropping out today. Cain says he is doing it because his family.....



Well-Known Member
No proof. None.

Cain is just another victim of the Alinsky NeoLeft.

Newt will be next ... but this time, maybe ... just maybe, Newt will out smart them. We'll see.
don't you belong to the party of "personal responsibility"? :lol:

doesn't seem to jive with your whole "cain is just an innocent victim, it wasn't his own person actions" line of BS.

nor does it go well with the "i'm not responsible for insuring myself" line of crybaby shit your side regularly spouts.