Cal Mag for RO water with sensi grow?


Active Member
I just started using RO water because I have been having alot of cal/mag issues with my tap water. I plan on using RO for rez change and top offs with my 200ppm Tap water in a DWC system.

I added 5ml/gal botanicare cal/mag and it put my RO a bit over 200ppm .7 scale before adding nutes yesterday. I also have a jug of diluted epsom salt for mg if needed. I do scrog under 1000w and have issues with cal/mag and K during 3rd or 4thwk of flower with my tap water so Im trying to see if calcium is locking my shit up or if its actual deficiency do to ppm of tap limiting my nutrient mix.

I am using sensi grow a/b and Connoisseur for flower, does anyone know whether A/N nutes need cal/mg for RO water and how many ppm if so?

Appreciate any input, I been on struggle for awhile now to figure out if I am cooking them or depriving them. I have the most issues in early veg and in mid flower with multiple strains. I ran Connoisseur for veg on my swiss cheese and I didnt have many problems at all so that is why I think my tap is fucking my mix up with calcium. I have all my nutes broke down on Cannastats nutrient calculator and been playing around with different ratios and followed mel franks ppm ranges but still run into problems with purple stems, yellow tips, tips curling up, necrosis on fan leaves and yellow tops or different shades of green througout plant so its been hard for me to identify the problem.
Yes, only they call it sensi cal.. or something like that.

Keep using the calmag and you'll be fine.
actually i hate to be that guy but NO cal mag needed for AN products!!!!:clap: it states it right on the bottle "ATTENTION: If using AN base nutrients you wont need this product"
literally on the cal/mag bottle just read it again to make sure. its not on their website for some reason but if u really need proof ill takea pic of the bottle ;-)

have fun
Because they have the Mg in the Bud Candy?

Keep in mind that they'd rather you buy the expensive stuff. But, they still make and sell it.
its in the base nutrient sensi, connoisseur, and the GMB
bud candy is sweat leaf and carbo load combined so they dont make you buy 2 different bottles now. pretty cheap too for bud candy i believe $20/L? and GMB is like $10/L for each part and sensi is like 15 for A and 15 for B. connoisseur is like 30-40 for A and same for B but has a lot of things that they sell as ammendments aka all their products. ive used all 3. never needed cal/mag:clap:
now thatd b a waste of money:wall:

as long as your happy with end result just do whatever works best for you.
the reason they still make and sell it is for people who arent running their line but for some reason wanna use their cal/mag with whatever other base nute they are using. ;-)
I just started using RO water because I have been having alot of cal/mag issues with my tap water. I plan on using RO for rez change and top offs with my 200ppm Tap water in a DWC system.

I added 5ml/gal botanicare cal/mag and it put my RO a bit over 200ppm .7 scale before adding nutes yesterday. I also have a jug of diluted epsom salt for mg if needed. I do scrog under 1000w and have issues with cal/mag and K during 3rd or 4thwk of flower with my tap water so Im trying to see if calcium is locking my shit up or if its actual deficiency do to ppm of tap limiting my nutrient mix.

I am using sensi grow a/b and Connoisseur for flower, does anyone know whether A/N nutes need cal/mg for RO water and how many ppm if so?

Appreciate any input, I been on struggle for awhile now to figure out if I am cooking them or depriving them. I have the most issues in early veg and in mid flower with multiple strains. I ran Connoisseur for veg on my swiss cheese and I didnt have many problems at all so that is why I think my tap is fucking my mix up with calcium. I have all my nutes broke down on Cannastats nutrient calculator and been playing around with different ratios and followed mel franks ppm ranges but still run into problems with purple stems, yellow tips, tips curling up, necrosis on fan leaves and yellow tops or different shades of green througout plant so its been hard for me to identify the problem.
connoisseur is super concentrated and packed with a lotta shit man. you shouldnt have to add anything. i think you might be overloading instead of def. can we get some pics lol:weed:
Appreciate the input and I added cal/mag at 5ml/gal, so far so good. I will post pics in a week or so as it is only the first week of flower and things are looking good.
connoisseur is super concentrated and packed with a lotta shit man. you shouldnt have to add anything. i think you might be overloading instead of def. can we get some pics lol:weed:

I think the power, or what makes it work, is from the chelation agents or proteinates (L-Aminos). Not into it myself. I remember the first batches that smelt like old spice and leather.. lol
Appreciate the input and I added cal/mag at 5ml/gal, so far so good. I will post pics in a week or so as it is only the first week of flower and things are looking good.

Just keep steady if everything looks ok. Look forward to the pics.
I think the power, or what makes it work, is from the chelation agents or proteinates (L-Aminos). Not into it myself. I remember the first batches that smelt like old spice and leather.. lol

lol never heard bud described smelling like that :cool:
ya i run most of their line so ive since switched to just the GMB. it just wasnt worth the extra cost to me. it takes a lil more dialing in than the sensi and GMB but i was still pleased with my results
also their jungle juice is another base nutrient that they carry. its a GMB that works pretty well actually and is very cheap. the funny thing its actually general hydros formula that they sell at half the price of GH's. kinda a dick move lol but they are trying to show you the dif between AN and GH.
Magnesium deficiency is common after about the third week of flowering. It looks like rusty colored scale on the older (shade) leaves. It never hurts to use it as a precaution. All these supplements are is calcium nitrate and Epsom salts.

To use a cal/mag supplement, go with 20 ppm every time you top off your reservoir, or 80 PPM once a week.

You can easily make your own Cal/mag.

This is the recipe I use:

fatmans Cal-Mag

Nitrogen 200
Magnesium 120
Calcium 259
Sulfur 160
Iron 10.00

Grams (ounces)
Calcium Nitrate 488.9
Magnesium Sulfate 464.0 (16.37)
Iron Chelate 38.57 (1.36)

Volume of Stock Solutions 1 gallon
Dilution Rate 100 to 1

Magnesium sulfate online (Epsom salt)

Calcium nitrate online

Chelated iron

Or you can get smaller amounts on ebay!

Calcium nitrate 5lb ebay

Magnesium sulfate on ebay 2 lb

Chelated iron on ebay

When mixing, add the magnesium last.

Make several lifetime supply's for the price of a quart of the retail stuff!!
actually i hate to be that guy but NO cal mag needed for AN products!!!!:clap: it states it right on the bottle "ATTENTION: If using AN base nutrients you wont need this product"
literally on the cal/mag bottle just read it again to make sure. its not on their website for some reason but if u really need proof ill takea pic of the bottle ;-)

have fun

well at least im not the only one who didnt read the bottle...i switched to ro water and just assumed i would have to add sensi cal mg mix bloom but boy o boy was i wrong. although i was only showing slight deficiency prior to adding the cal mg mix it comletly overnight ruined my lovely green leaves and fluffy white pistles, then i read the bottle properly and it states if you are using an base nutes then no cal mg needed......yep i feel stupid now but i was angry as i have been trying to get the full an lineup to work for ages now and cant for the life of me work out their ratios. i noticed the an technical help ignore questions regarding the actual ppm in the proof video lol...that told me alot. ie ive been a dumb ass and spent shit loads on their additves that arent needed. will be ditching the full line up down the drain.
lol never heard bud described smelling like that :cool:
ya i run most of their line so ive since switched to just the GMB. it just wasnt worth the extra cost to me. it takes a lil more dialing in than the sensi and GMB but i was still pleased with my results
also their jungle juice is another base nutrient that they carry. its a GMB that works pretty well actually and is very cheap. the funny thing its actually general hydros formula that they sell at half the price of GH's. kinda a dick move lol but they are trying to show you the dif between AN and GH.

Check out the hoaglands solution. GH didn't invent hydro nutrients. They were just one of the first to bring it to a commercial market. Back in the mid 30's they were not able to keep the elements from precipitation. So they had to to keep it in like 6 bottles.. later they were able to get that down to three.. and that is what we all know as three part. So, no one owns it. Anyone can make it and many do.

The smell: Yeah, Big Mike wanted it to smell like money.. Ended up smelling like old spice. PU.. I knew one of the beta testers.. That stuff was odd at first.
well at least im not the only one who didnt read the bottle...i switched to ro water and just assumed i would have to add sensi cal mg mix bloom but boy o boy was i wrong. although i was only showing slight deficiency prior to adding the cal mg mix it comletly overnight ruined my lovely green leaves and fluffy white pistles, then i read the bottle properly and it states if you are using an base nutes then no cal mg needed......yep i feel stupid now but i was angry as i have been trying to get the full an lineup to work for ages now and cant for the life of me work out their ratios. i noticed the an technical help ignore questions regarding the actual ppm in the proof video lol...that told me alot. ie ive been a dumb ass and spent shit loads on their additves that arent needed. will be ditching the full line up down the drain.

I'm sorry to hear about your problems. That sucks. But, I have a feeling you might be looking at this from the wrong angle. I'm not saying that AN is wrong but I don't see how Ca Mg can mess a plant up like that over night. Especially if you've already noted problems. If I feel like I'm getting a cold, then drink some juice and then end up getting a cold I wouldn't assume that it was the juice that gave me the cold. You just might have given the cure too late.. Where if you'd been on the ball it might not have crept up on ya.

I have hard water and I use a lot of calimagic every time I water and my plants cant get enough of it. What's not used is flushed a way and it's very hard to get up to a level of toxicity. (But I'm in soil)

Next round you'll know. Don't use any cal mg supplementation and see if you have issues. 3rd week of flower keep your eyes out for the same signs. Lighter then normal small blotches that grow in size and yellow into necrosis and necrosis around the edges of older leaves first and working it's way up and finally leaf drop.
Check out the hoaglands solution. GH didn't invent hydro nutrients. They were just one of the first to bring it to a commercial market. Back in the mid 30's they were not able to keep the elements from precipitation. So they had to to keep it in like 6 bottles.. later they were able to get that down to three.. and that is what we all know as three part. So, no one owns it. Anyone can make it and many do.

The smell: Yeah, Big Mike wanted it to smell like money.. Ended up smelling like old spice. PU.. I knew one of the beta testers.. That stuff was odd at first.

clear up a lil confusion. i was actually saying that AN's gmb jungle juice is GH gmb formula. the exact same product. AN was tired of them getting bashed saying GH was so good so they made the exact GH formula and sold it at almost half price of GH. just to show consumers how much better their base nutes were. im actually running jungle juice now as a test(got it for free) and guess what, its showing cal/mag def. been running this strain for about 5 cycles. when running sensi , gmb, and conn i never saw it but now i am....with jungle juice (gh formula). gh lacks the cal/mag but AN doesnt. i dont use RO water either.....:clap:

if i had the time id make my own nutes but im busy busy busy!!! and kinda lazy lazy lazy haha:weed:

I hear ya. AN has been making three part for a long long time. Before it was just Micro Grow and Bloom. Recently they did the Jungle Juice version when they did the pH perfect. I think they still sell the Grow Bloom Micro.. but it's the same as the Jungle Juice. There are other companies that have three parts that are exactly the same as AN and GH. It's a boiled down version of the Hoagland solution.

Cutting Edge Solutions, has a three part too.
all im saying is that if you are using AN you should not have to use Cal/Mag because they already add it. with Jungle juice GMB (GH recipe) it does not have the necessary cal/mag that you would find in AN sensi 2 part, their GMB and their 2 part connoisseur. Jungle juice is an AN product but its general hydro with an AN sticker on it. get it? jungle juice and AN GMB are both 3 part grow micro bloom but the regular GMB is AN formula and Jungle Juice is GH formula made by AN. lol confusing i know but all you need to know is your better off with AN over GH.

Jungle Juice GMB(AN product with GH recipe)
-you WILL need to add Cal/mag

AN GMB( AN product with AN recipe)
-you WILL NOT need to add Cal/mag

AN Sensi 2 part( AN product with AN recipe)
-you WILL NOT need to add Cal/mag

AN Connoisseur 2 part( AN product with AN recipe)
-you WILL NOT need to add Cal/mag

Here is the direction of use for calmg
Sphagnum Moss & Soil: Mix 1.25 ml per 1 liter (1/4 tsp. per quart) of water for every watering

Hydroponics: Mix 1.25 - 2.50 ml per 1 liter (1/4 - 1/2 tsp. per quart) of nutrient solution.