Cal/mag or pests?? Help


Active Member
Hello RIU

Lately I've noticed small brown blotches on a few leaves, and little white blotches on about a third of my leaves with small bite like holes on some others. At first I was convinced it was a spidermite/thrip problem... but I've yet to notice any bugs, even after putting bunch of scotch tape strips in my box to see if I can catch any. After doing much research, I came across a possible cal/mag def. People were saying that it could be brought by using distilled water all the time (which I do), or temperatures getting too cold and humidity being high. During middle of second week through the third week, humidity at night time was going up to around 77%, and temps dropped to around 67F when lights were off. As of now, with lights on, temps go around 76-82F with around 40-50% humidity. Lights off I believe is around ~65F and 60% humidity?

My question is, I have some azamax, but I'm hesitant to use it so quickly. Should I make sure it's not a cal/mag prob first? I checked my soil ph, and it was around 6.5. But I've noticed some leaves start to curl upward and random deformations. I haven't done a proper flush all grow. Fed three times in its lifetime. (just over a month). Started to flower about a week ago. Another thing I'm worried about would be nute burn... B/c the last time I fed my plant I did 1/4 the recommendation. The new growth coming out on the tops, the tips of the leaves seem a little neon green ish... but once they grow out they seem fine o.o. No real yellow tips on my leaves... Whats going on! I was thinking of using 1/2 distilled and 1/2 48 hr tap next feeding. (Or should I hold on the feed)

Sorry if my thoughts seem jumbled... had to hit the herb to keep myself from freaking out.... Thanks in advance!

Po boy

Well-Known Member
leaf tips turning upwards is a sign of mag deficiency. the white blotches sounds like possibly thrips. u really need a loupe or pocket scope to check for mites. GL


Active Member
Hey po boy, thanks again for responding on two diff threads lol. As for the pests, I DID spot one bugger on the floor of my box. Got some tape, stuck it, scoped it and looks like a longer kinda bug, my guess thrip? Scope says its 40x but seems more like 10-15x lol. Either way, I got 1/4 tsp of azamax to one quart of water, put it in a spray bottle and went crazy my plant. Sprayed under over everywhere, and with the remaining I watered the solution into the soil. Hopefully this will take care of them for the time being. I also sprayed the soil around my new seedlings, didn't wanna go too hard on it, cause the bean is still attached.. hope they'll be ok.

This brings up a couple questions... What happens now? Do I wait a week or so and spray again? What should I do with the top part of my soil after it's dried out. I'm sure there will be little bits of bugs and what not once it settles down. Do they just decompose? And how often/long should I continue this for? My plant is about to hit the second week of flowering, and don't wanna go to town with this. What to do about my seedlings? Wait till they grow out a bit?

As for the cal/mag, I might have to wait a bit to get some more nutes, since I'm low on scratch atm. I was gonna test out a mix of 1/2 and 1/2 distilled and tap. Should I continue my feeding schedule?? Or wait for the soil to dry out before adding anything else to it?

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Edit: I also went crazy with clorox wipes. Wiped down pretty much everything in there that I could get my hands on/in. How long before I start to notice, or not notice anything o.o