Cali Connection Sour D Please Help w/pics Thanks

A little background - This is a Cali Conn Original Sour D grown in Ocean Forest. My nutes are from the fox farm lineup starting 4th week of flower today with the 1st dose of Beastie blooms with last feed 3 days ago. Today was a water day I use distilled water. Plant veged for 7 weeks (it took this long for pre flowers to show). In the 4th or 5th week of veg some leaves were showing signs of mag def. so I used 1 tsp of epson salt in a gallon of water for a drench. The plant improved and the leaves went back to green on new growth. That was about 6 weeks ago.

Today I noticed a small brown spot on a leaf (see pic here) IMGP2356.jpg now I worry the mag. def. might be showing itself again. I'm not sure if it is Ok to use the epson salt as a drench in flower or if it is a mag. def. at all if some one with some knowledge on this could weigh in on this I would be very thankful. Here are some other pics of the plant you can see the older leaves that are lower on the plant that yellowed and browned from the earlier mag def. Thanks again for all help provided. IMGP2353.jpg IMGP2354.jpg IMGP2355.jpg IMGP2357.jpg IMGP2358.jpg These pics were taken right after lights on before being watered so the leaves might look a little droopy.


Well-Known Member
Your plant is extremely healthy nice work. The faint spot your referring doesn't remind me of an upcoming calmag issue. On your larger scoped pictures I see some previous calmag issues that you corrected. Best of luck to the rest of your grow and hope it turns out awesome because I germed my freebie yesterday.


Well-Known Member
If ur using distilled water it wouldn't be a bad idea to pick up a ca/mg supplement, but plant looks great man, maybe give em a little grow big for some extra N
Thanks for the reassurance and positive comments guys. Can't wait til she finish's up. One thing is for sure this is the most pungent plant I have ever grown it's giving my carbon scrubber a work out. can't have it out of the tent for to long or it will stink the whole place up.