California Caregiver Legal Question.


Well-Known Member
Hello. My wife has her medical card for an undiagnosed stomach condition. She had gastric by-pass surgery at 17 and since then has incredible pain when she eats. She got her medical card for it and we are currently growing 6 plants. For me to become her caregiver I just have to sign a form right? I do help her around with everything from preparing food, shopping, taking her places, helping her medicate (be it mmj or pill prescribed by her doctor), cleaning up around the house, taking care of our animals and so on. Having her sign over a care giver slip covers me if for some un-forseen we get into legal issues (which I doubt, just wanna be on the safe side)?


Well-Known Member
Vist a medical marijuana doctor, a reputable one. Tell him you want a cultivators license. It's 200 $ and lets you grow up to 99 plants in the state of california. As far as the care giver thing i'm not sure. I've never met anyone that just wants to be a caregiver, i have only met people with "cultivator licenses"

I got mine at "CannaMed" in Santa Barbara. it allows to grow 99 plants and hold 2 pounds of dried cannabis at any time. I got jewed on the amount i could hold IMO but its still a good card !