California Gold Rush RSVP


Well-Known Member
So, as most of you know now California citizens will vote next year in 2010 to legalize Marijuana. If this passes a huge gold rush will follow. People from all over will flock to move there just to be able to legally smoke while other will go for the jobs and new business.

I personally will be going for both, pleasure and business. The number of jobs that will pop up will be amazing between staffing all the new coffee shops, head shops etc. To staff at large farms and and so on.

So lets get a list going of everyone who will actually make this move if this goes through and your reasons inputs etc.


Well-Known Member
What is going to suck about it being legalized?
I think he is talking about the flood of people to california, even though lots of jobs will be created and the economy will get a huge boost things like property values and the cost to rent and such will increase. Also just the fact of being over crowded.

This will only be temporary though as other states or the nation follows california some people will start to leave there to return home or other areas to try and get a jump on the new market created there.


Active Member
It's one of the biggest states in the union, I'm sure you can squeeze a few more pot heads in.


Well-Known Member
It's one of the biggest states in the union, I'm sure you can squeeze a few more pot heads in.
Lol, especially out in the more country settings where growing is perfect the population in those areas are not bad at all plenty room there.


Active Member
Hell!!......if overcrowding is a factor..please roll out the trailer as I will grow some mean shit in the desert.


Well-Known Member
I been thinking about moving there how much does a average one bedroom apartment go for over there in L.A.?


Well-Known Member
I been thinking about moving there how much does a average one bedroom apartment go for over there in L.A.?
I have seen them from $700 - $2100 I personally cant stand crowded citys. Thats why Im heading for somewhere more along the lines of middle or northern california in the country. Hell nice peaceful plot of land and a mobile home and ill be good. lol


Well-Known Member
I have seen them from $700 - $2100 I personally cant stand crowded citys. Thats why Im heading for somewhere more along the lines of middle or northern california in the country. Hell nice peaceful plot of land and a mobile home and ill be good. lol
Damn that is outrageous in Philly I could rent a house for 700.It looks like if I do go threw with this move I should check around in the suburbs.Ill probably either get a friend or my brother to move in with me though so 350 a piece really wouldn't be bad at all except for the fact that it would be a 1 bedroom lol


Active Member
The 50 mile smog blanket alone should be all you need to know. There's so many other big cities that are more attractive,cleaner, and a hell of alot safer. I was stationed out that way on a detachment and can vouch for this.


Well-Known Member
got an invite to help on a friends farm this summer..could make some nice money and learn a whole lot about the industry, maybe get a foot in the door or something. my younger bro and I were messin with the idea of movin down there since neither of us have any better ideas of what to do right now. He's not a smoker, but when I brought up the idea of headin down there he sounded pretty excited so I guess we'll see what goes down!

I can definitely see how a lot of californians would object with this happening though...nobody wants to see there local areas invaded. but at the same time anybody in the world can live wherever the fuck they want!


Well-Known Member
p.s. yea, would definitely be lookin for somewhere up north, eureka area. could have the convenience of the city if you needed it, but also able to get out into nature which is what its all about:bigjoint:


what you guys dont understand is this has been on the ballot every year for 4 or 5 years, and its failed every time...

im not saying im not going to be behind it, its just these kinda votes always seem stacked


Well-Known Member
what you guys dont understand is this has been on the ballot every year for 4 or 5 years, and its failed every time...
hadn't realized this. was kinda the same deal in WA too, there was a bill goin through the senate that would decriminalize small amounts for personal use, but it didnt make it...

still wanna move to cali though lol


Well-Known Member
I have good faith on this one, it will get alot of PR and news attention so more people will know and will head to the polls. Also the approval percentage keeps rising and the baby boomers are killing over.

Im not saying it will pass for sure but I believe this one has the best hope of any before it and lets face money makes the world go round and in the end thats all people really care about in political positions. Cali's in a financial hole and needs help and if legalizing and taxing marijuana can generate huge revenue you will be surprised how quickly the right people will lean towards it.


Well-Known Member
I have good faith on this one, it will get alot of PR and news attention so more people will know and will head to the polls. Also the approval percentage keeps rising and the baby boomers are killing over.
I definitely agree with you on this one..just in the past few months, it's crazy how many times marijuana legalization has been on the front pages of newspapers, and top stories on news stations. Anybody check out Marijuana Inc. or Marijuana Nation? Awesome programs..I found them to be pretty un-biased (although uninformed), and they each seemed to convey the main point that marijuana is slowly becoming more accepted.

Since I was fifteen (not that long ago lol) I always felt I was born in the wrong time period..always been fascinated by tie-dye and VW's, and always wanted to march in a anti-war protest. However, I've been becoming more and more excited about the times we live in now. There's so much going on right now, and its very encouraging to hear that marijuana legalization could be just around the corner! Show the rest of the world how its done cali.. :bigjoint:


New Member
will it be legal to grow it as well? And if so how much do you think?

this will cure calis economy due to the fact that money will end in cali.

So it will all be grown there, then smuggled out, and sold in other states, but understand, the money from everyone in other states will end up in cali at the end of the day instead of where ever the stuff is grown now... all over the world.

so in one regard, im happy, the money stays in the us and quits funding crazy lunatics who buy guns in other countreis that we then have to go attack before they get to organized.
