California Law...those that actually know please...


Active Member
I'm really sorry about sounding like a hater with that title, but everyone has an opinion, or what they "think" the answer is. I've already got quite a few of those answers from friends, family, etc. I'm new to RIU, but so far most people seem to be very educated and supportive, so I'm hoping there is a California resident reading this post.
My daughter has had four knee surgeries since she was three years old. A fucking cactus is what started it needle in the side of her little knee, cavity filled with poison and fluid, and stretched her miniscus so bad, it tore. And tore again, and again, and then finally was just removed. She is due for another surgery next year to put a cadaver part in her knee. She is a skater, surfer and volleyball player, and goes to bed crying 3 nights out of the week. Last year, I was so mad at the world for her, and desparate to help her, I bought some weed from my neighbor. (I don't smoke) My kid thought I was nuts, but she tried it. It actually worked...even I couldn't believe it.
Almost one year later, she is able to have an active life. It didn't change her...her grades are still great, and her circle of friends hasn't changed. (sorry...quoting those ridiculous public service things!)
Anyway, we moved from Arizona to Phoenix, partly for this reason...except that she has 8 months to go until she turns 18 and can get a prescription.
I do not like buying "off the street", and decided to grow for her, which I've already started.
So here is my question...I know that if I can find someone with a medical card, I can say I'm growing for them for the time being...but is there some sort of "registration" to do, or form, or what. Sorry to sound so naive, but I guess I am. I have googled this, but can only find a lot of legal jargon that I can't make sense of.
Anyone know how to go about this? I realize it's dishonest, but if I can find someone with a medical card in the first place, I would be happy to grow for them as well for the favor.
Thanks for listening!


Active Member
Sorry about sounding dumb again...this is all new to me. How would I get a card if I don't actually need one? I mean, I don't have any injury, pain, disease, etc. Are the doctors here seriously just handing them out?!
Btw...thanks guys for replying so fast. I seriously love everyone on this forum!
[quote="SICC";1981510]Yea you shold jus get the card your self, i kno a good place in Van Nuys[/quote]

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
You can get a card as a care-giver. You have to bring the card carrier w/you and tell the dr that the card carrier doesnt have room fer a grow, but you do!


Active Member
Just a quick question, oh and "Soccer Mom Zoey", I think it's pretty good what you're doing, its nice to see someone who isn't brain washed by the media about "weed kills".

Anyway, The whole legal 'getting a card as a care-giver" thing, is that hard to do? Or if you just apply and give them someones card, they'll let you? I mean, won't they assume I just want to grow for myself, due to the fact that I'm a 19 year old guy, probably another stoner wanting to grow and sell weed? It seems like they'd assume that and make it hard to get a card to do this...Is that not the case? Or is it very simple to attain a card like this? Also, as far as getting a card to legally posses a certain amount of marijuana, is that hard to get as well?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Just a quick question, oh and "Soccer Mom Zoey", I think it's pretty good what you're doing, its nice to see someone who isn't brain washed by the media about "weed kills".

Anyway, The whole legal 'getting a card as a care-giver" thing, is that hard to do? Or if you just apply and give them someones card, they'll let you? I mean, won't they assume I just want to grow for myself, due to the fact that I'm a 19 year old guy, probably another stoner wanting to grow and sell weed? It seems like they'd assume that and make it hard to get a card to do this...Is that not the case? Or is it very simple to attain a card like this? Also, as far as getting a card to legally posses a certain amount of marijuana, is that hard to get as well?
I have had no need for a caregiver, or needed to be 1, so I honestly dont know what all it entails. I would assume that either A-you would have to live w/the patient, or B-have some sort of strong relationship w/said patient. Age discrimination is not tolerated in the medical field!
As far as obtaining a card for yerself, if ya live in a state w/medical laws, go to a Doc w/certs to sign the note, and have a valid DOCUMENTED medical reason, it should not be a prob @ all. I paid $135, brought my medical docs., he called to verify them, did an exam of my injured area, and that was it. It was like an additional $35 for the Oak card, as well


Active Member
In California you have a few options.

If you are inclined, you can check out the actual legal descriptions for SB420 and Prop 215 yourself online. Just run a Google search and you should get a few good pages. Other good places to look for legal info are and

You should be able to either grow as a caretaker for your daughter, or, with your consent she should be able to get a medical recommendation. If you have decent medical insurance with low co-pays, fly the medical marijuana idea past your family or daughters doctor. Mention that it has improved symptoms, and you believe that it is an appropriate treatment as other remedies have not worked. Some doctors simply won't give out recommendations because of legal or ethical concerns.

If you don't have insurance, look up the nearest medical marijuana medical office. The docs there would be more than happy to offer your daughter a recommendation for a fee.


Well-Known Member
Easy to get a MMj card in Cali. ..Most all dispensaries are in LA county, though..doc


Well-Known Member
most docs with give a card out for 200 bucks with a medical ailment... prop 215 is so broad in terms of what medical marijuana can be issued too...basically if it it relieves some sort of pain of a disease or injury your good..


Active Member
You's like this for me. I'm a pretty open person who makes informed decisions. I'm not paranoid, and I don't sit around thinking about all the conspiracy theories there are in the United States...though I know there is some heavy shit going on that we will never be privy to. But when it comes to my kids...I just DON'T trust Big Brother.
Here is an example of youngest (the one I'm always talking about with the knee surgeries) is really active in skating and surfing. She is trying to have a normal life. Anyway...we live in Redondo's not Beverly Hills or Bel Aire or Malibu, but anyplace in SoCal with the word "Beach" in the city name, is fairly affluent. She biffed it pretty hard skaking one day, and the next day at school, she started really feeling it, and thought maybe she broke a rib, so she went to the nurse. The nurse gave her ice and told her to lay down. I get this phone call fom my daughter whho is totally freaking out. She's calling me from the bathroom in the nurses office. The nurse had called the police and Child Protective Services thinking that someone at home had beaten her. I had to go to school with her skateboard and explain the SAME thing my kid had.
TWO WEEKS later while we are eating dinner, there is a knock at my door. It is a CPS representative who wants to come in. When I ask why, she says if I don't let her in she will return with the police and a warrant. So I let her in. She demands to look in our closets and my see if I have FOOD to feed my family. Remember...she knocked on the door WHILE WE WERE EATING. She asked my daughter if she had a winter jacket. My daughter showed her the Van's and Hollister jackets she got for Christmas.
I'm not saying all this to prove I'm a good mother, or that I'm not "trailer trash"'s just that when the "government" (and I use the term loosely) wants something...they get it.
You can see why I feel very lucky to have found this forum. I have no one to talk to about my decision to allow my daughter to smoke for her pain. I certainly can't tell my neighbors, or my about closed minded people. I am ashamed to admit for a long time I thought all people who smoked were just "stoners" the negative in....sit around with a bong, some potato chips, and watch Beavis and Butthead all day.
I have been so enlightened over the last year...but RIU is by far the place with the most compassionate, intelligent smokers and growers anywhere on the world wide web. I have recently canceled my membership to every other board out there. Just a lot a drama and bullshit there.
If anyone is following the "Harvest a Pound of Weed Every Three Weeks" thread started by StinkBud, I am building that system, and odered seeds yesterday. Fuck the system...I'm living my own life and doing what I KNOW is best for my kid.
I love you guys!!!!!! Thanks for everyone's support!


Well-Known Member
can some one please help me out with and a friend are aruguing about the state verses federal law in california...he says that if he gets his card and what not then he is set and authorites can touch him....which isnt arguement is that in anystate that has sate laws about medical marijuana the federal law are still in affect...and teh DEA can still raid your shit

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
can some one please help me out with and a friend are aruguing about the state verses federal law in california...he says that if he gets his card and what not then he is set and authorites can touch him....which isnt arguement is that in anystate that has sate laws about medical marijuana the federal law are still in affect...and teh DEA can still raid your shit
You are 100% right, my friend!!! Jerry Brown made it so that local and state authorities have more stringent rules in regards to us (in our favor), but he has no power over the feds! They can do whatever they want, if they go fer a federal case, Local Law does not apply. . .