California Primary Caregiver Status


Active Member
I had a few questions regarding the impact of having a medical marijuana card or becoming a primary caregiver to a medical marijuana patient in California.

1. I've seen a bunch of conflicting info on this question, but does having a medical marijuana card or becoming a primary caregiver to somebody with a card disqualify one from later getting a federal, state or local government (including law enforcement) jobs or alternatively a corporate job. I.E will having a medical marijuana card or a primary caregiver card show up on a background check?

2. If it does show up on a background check, but you test clean for marijuana can that disqualify you from getting a position (assuming it shows up on a background check)?

3. Is it mandatory for a primary caregiver to register with the state or is that a private contract between the patient and the caregiver?

4. Assuming the primary caregiver has to register with the state can somebody with a medical marijuana card add a primary caregiver anytime the card is valid, or do they have to do it when they fill out the state application forms?

I apologize if any of these questions are obvious, thanks in advance


Great questions i would love to know the answers as well.

Also, is there an advantage to getting a caregiver card over a patient card? Can i grow more with it?