California: Whitman or Brown?


Well-Known Member
This sucks, I don't like either one. The only thing that I like about Whitman is that she claims she doesn't owe any favors, I think we need a non politican (not counting Arnold) in office but at the same time Brown can't fuck it up worse than it already is...


Well-Known Member
Yea, before the debate I liked the idea of having Whitman in there but I will probably end up voting for Brown. I still don't like my choices

Whitman should have put her $120m into the state budget instead of blasting Brown all over the tv


New Member
Brown is a true progressive, and a true politician. I really can't see the correlation, but I lived in CA. under Jerry Brown. Did you know he wouldn't live in the governors mansion, ride in the governors limo, except on state functions, and he dated and lived with Linda Ronstadt. He also had a budget surplus. I doubt that he or anyone can turn Ca. around in one term.


Well-Known Member
california needs someone that knows what they're doing. not some actor, and not some ceo trying to ruffle the feathers of the unions.


Active Member
whitman is CORPORATE america stepping up their influence FOR the rich. Shes just like Carly fiorina, EX CEO of HP, outsourcing all our california jobs to asia, while uping her income at the expense of us workers. she laid off tons of californians so she wouldnt lose her bonuses and her ability to increase her wages by 300%. is this looking out for the middle class? or looking out for herself and her rich buddies? These corporate types are only in it for the money, sure Whitman did good for ebay, so what! she will do even better for herself and rich buddies if she is elected. watch what happens to the middle class and the poor in CA if she is elected, brutal! she wants to change the laws to benefit only the rich, while surpressing the non-rich. so what if she spent her own money for the campaign, she will make it back many times over off our backs, the backs of the workers if she is elected.

Funny thing about conservatives, the do as I say, not as I do mentality.