Calling all Floridians!


Active Member
Florida sux. Until they get their shit together, start wearing masks, and take this virus seriously, they don't deserve legal weed. In fact, I just started a petition to keep legal weed OUT of Florida. Link coming soon...
You’re absolutely right, FL sux! To many rich conservative mother fuckers keeping weed down. Temperature way too hot, but it’s still home to me. Tyler, guys like you n me are how we change this shit. Sign the petition for us!


Well-Known Member
This thread, lolololol.
As a former building supplier for 10 years on both coasts of Floriduh, I fail to see why people continue to move there in droves.
Then again, common sense and reasonable deduction skills have long been absent in the majority of our population.
I won't even visit the state again, ever.
That said, every state needs to go fully recreational; as economic laws preventing this serve only 1 purpose;
To make the 1% even richer, and fuck over the other 99%.