CalMag for pre-buffered coco?

Hi I am using mother earth coco perlite 70/30 and it is prebuffered. I have been adding calmag daily and feeding daily and have had minor burns. I switched to feeding calmag once a week and feed,water,repeat and it is working AMAZING.

Hope this helps
Does this mean they just flushed the medium or does it mean that they already added calmag
they flushed it with CalMag, so the medium doesn't "steal" these kations away from your nutrition solution. You still need to feed Ca & Mg as food to your plant, the buffering is, so this can flawless happen, also brings in pH stability.
It says:

"Pre-charged with slow release calcium and natural trace-elements."

It depends on the nutrients you use as to whether or not you need to use calmag. But chances are you will as most are going to be lacking in adequate amounts when growing in coco.

If you use a simple dry nutrient such as Jacks 5-12-26, calcium nitrate, and magnesium sulfate you won't need to add additional calmag. But most of the bottled nutrients will require the addition of a calmag product even those that say they're formulated for coco. Which they obviously are not if they require the addition of a calmag additive.