Camera and 2 1k lights


Active Member
Hello all. I had a question and not sure where to post it but figured here is as good as any i suppose.

I am building a sealed room with 2 1k lights and wanted to mount a camera inside so i can turn on a tv and see that all is well without entering.

I like to look at my plants alot :hump:. and opening a sealed room with CO2 often would be wasteful. so i found this camera thats pretty cheap:

and was wondering if it would be able to take good pictures with 2000 watts or light shinning. I have no idea how to go about choosing this kind of product and don't want to ask a store clerk about a room with 2k HPS lights :shock:. i just don't want to spend to much (and i don't need to swivel and zoom with fancy 500 dollar cameras although it would be nice) also i don't want wireless :wink:

thanx for any input