camping gas lamps to generate co2?


Well-Known Member
Anyone knows if camping gas lamps would generae enough co2 to be effective on plants in a DR150?


Well-Known Member
If your looking to burn your house down then yeh im sure that would contribute to co2 output...fuck that man....get some dry ice


Well-Known Member
Im sure they will produce enough CO2 to help your plants.

Im also sure they can produce enough CO to kill your ass as well.

If they can kill you in camping tent, I'm sure killing you inside your home will be just as easy.

Get a CO2 burner and a proper ppm meter if this is what you want to do, because imo, you are playing with fire in the literal sense if you are trying to use those "coleman" style propane burners.


Well-Known Member
yes yes ok, it is still a good idea, it' safe as hell :)
I went for a Ecotechnics Unis Co2 Combo Controller & Regulator. Very cheap from UK to switzerland. And I already found a cheap plan for co2 bottles wee :)



Active Member
There are far more efficient ways to kill yourself if that really is your goal...
Instead, Get a large plastic water bottle like those in water dispensers... Water, sugar, Champagne yeast/turbo. (Brewery stores)
put a hole in the cap with an aquarium tube in it. This tube runs to another smaller container (bottle, jar, tupperware) with some water in it.
The water acts like a filter so air does not make it into the bigger bottle with your yeast and sugar are fermenting and creating CO2.
Can do this in a 2L bottle too. Keep this around your plants or use another tube in to cap of your water/air filter and run that to where you want. This will give your plants CO2 for about two weeks. Use two or three on a staggered type schedule and they'll never be out of CO2.
Add some activated carbon to your water filter to get rid of the brewery smell too.CO2.jpg
Throw in some pureed fruit like apples and oranges, then filter in 2-3 weeks to have some crappy homemade drinkable alcohol. Put in it the freezer after filtering and take off the ice that forms to bring up the alcohol content a bit more too :P