can any1 help/advise


hi all
i am growing my plant under cfls. the person who gave me the clone (not sure what strain) said that it flowered fully in 8-9 weeks. but he is using a mh light what i wanna no is because i am using cfls could i expect it to take a little longer to flower fully or should it be about the same.


Well-Known Member
Hi there, It should finish flowering a little later, I would have thought a week to 2 longer, but you can never rearlly tell to many variables, feeding, lighting, what nutes used heat, how well you look after plant. Just need to be patient as they are ready when they are ready.


Well-Known Member
You will be fine just show patients and don't do to much. Research is key, keep reading threads and the faq's area and you will pick it up in no time. Remember its a weed, they are hard to kill and easy to get some bud from, experience will lead to big fat juicy buds.