Can anyone help me figure out what’s up with my plant?


Can someone help me figure out what’s going on with my plant? This started slow at the bottom with yellowing leaves then when I looked at it tonight the upper leaves were yellowing and had brown spots all over them. It seemed to spread overnight. Thanks for the help!



It’s in ocean Forrest soil and I was trying Dr Earth
Nutrients this plant. Maybe I’m either not giving enough or the nutrients aren’t very good.


Well-Known Member
With Dr. Earth 2TBSP per gallon of medium should suffice and last for 2-4 weeks depending on plants size and appetite.

Also, Dr. Earth has many products. Which one are you using in flower?


This plant is a Zkittlez auto from ILGM and she is 65 days old, in a 7 gallon fabric pot. As for nutrients I was looking for convince and tried using dr earth Golden bloom pump and grow during flower and was giving her 2 pumps per gallon of water because I didn’t want to overdo it with the nutrients. Also this grow I was experimenting and did not ph the water. I guess that probably backfired on me here.


Well-Known Member
Not too familiar with Dr Earths liquid nutes. But given your application it’s more than likely you’re looking at a lockout. What do you use for secondary nutes? Do you add microbes, Humic/Fulvic acids?


This is only my fourth grow so I’m still learning! I stopped the nutrients I was giving during veg (Dr Earth Home grown tomato and vegetable liquid) and switched to the Golden Bloom. Should I be giving both? The directions say 8 pumps per gallon of water so I have been giving 4 or less because I burned my first grow with fox farm and didn’t want to again. I also gave worm casting tea three weeks ago and was top feeding with a little compost here and there. Should I flush it and then start to PH again and up the nutrients? Should I give both dr earth nutes (homegrown and golden bloom)? I’m actually brewing a worm casting tea now for my outside vegetable garden should I give her some of that? Thank you for the help!
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No worries mane! It’s all a learning process. No grow is perfect. Stick with it and you’ll get better! I can’t speak for liquid line and don’t know anyone who uses it for growing so I’m not familiar with the adequate dosage. My advice. Next run ditch the liquid and the recommendations it gives you. Grab a ph pen (blue labs is perfect) and check to make sure every watering is in a 6-7.0 range. I like to aim for 6.5. If you don’t have any secondary (cal/mag/trace minerals etc) you may want to look into a cal mag product. Look up a product called recharge. It contains microbes, humic/fulvic acids and supplements a compost tea. Use this one a week in your waterings for root/plant health and to assist with the break down of Dr earths DRy amendments.
Grab 4-4-4 all purpose and use up until week 3 of flower. Then switch to flower girl 3-9-4 for weeks 3-10. Top dressing @ 2TBSP per gallon of medium every 3 weeks as needed. Since you’re using FFOF I recommend For seedlings and clones use happy frog by fox farm and amend it with perlite (25%) to increase aeration and dry backs.


I actually have some recharge on hand I can use. Would you recommend flushing then feeding with PH’d recharge/ compost tea and possibly upping the amount of nutes im using this remainder of this grow? This plant only has a month or so left so I’m just going to use up what I have but will be trying the dry nutrients next grow. Thanks!
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Well-Known Member
I actually have some recharge on hand I can use. Would you recommend flushing then feeding with PH’d recharge/ compost tea and possibly upping the amount of nutes im using this remainder of this grow? This plant only has a month or so left so I’m just going to use up what I have but will be trying the dry nutrients next grow. Thanks!
Just remember FFOF has nutrients in it. Id wait 3-4 weeks before top dressing a plant so you don’t risk toxicity. Same with happy frog. Happy Frog is less feed but it’s meant for smaller plants/seedlings and would wait a few weeks before a top dress with dry amendments.


Well-Known Member
This plant is a Zkittlez auto from ILGM and she is 65 days old, in a 7 gallon fabric pot. As for nutrients I was looking for convince and tried using dr earth Golden bloom pump and grow during flower and was giving her 2 pumps per gallon of water because I didn’t want to overdo it with the nutrients. Also this grow I was experimenting and did not ph the water. I guess that probably backfired on me here.
That Pump and Grow isn't going to cut it. It's just expensive Bokashi juice.


Well-Known Member
Give us more detail on grow ….
water / ph

Since she is blooming she would benefit from Flower Girl ( Dr. Earth )