Can anyone help me out.m

I just looked at my garden and seen one of my plsnts hermied on me and im worried that it pollinated others and the plants 8 weeks old if i trim it will it produce pollen or should i jus bag a and freeze it for hash


Well-Known Member
if you're seeing male flowers, good chance it has done some damage
depends on how quick you were
the safest thing is to take it away
if you want to try plucking male flowers, well, it can be done but getting every one is very hard since they hide pretty well


Well-Known Member
If the other plants do not have buds on them, then no worries...
If your other plants are covered in buds, they will suck up the sweet nectar of the male/hermie...
What ya got?
It was a heavy duty fruity plant took it out the room and threw a bag over to prevent more pollen from passin on i was wondering if i can still use the buds for hash the plant was 8 weeks old


Well-Known Member
i suppose you can always make some kind of hash
i guess the question is whether it's worth it, you said 8 weeks
if 8 weeks of flower i''d think it was certainly worth while
Yea she defianttly was 8 weeks or longer because she didint wanna finish up so i think she was hermie and producing seeds but im worried that if i trim her for hash she gonna loose pollen in air im new grower to his i harvested 10 in past week and havint had a hermie or seeds so it tell me i gotta pay more attention to that right


Well-Known Member
i see your point about getting pollen all over
what you can do is mist her with water, water kills pollen fast, and keeps it from becoming airborne
i guess it's not completely risk free, isolate as best you can when making your hash if that's the route you go
Yea ill defiantly have make hash of it but im have leave the plant in garage or just wrap her with a bag i would hate to risk pollen spreadin just for hash and ruin my next batch