can anyone help me

I have a super silver haze plant that recently started to get little yellow dots, just along the veins of the older sun leaves, then slowly up to the newer sun leaves. Ive looked it over throughly for mites or bugs and found nothing. the closest looking problem to it ive seen is ozone damage, but that doesnt make any sense because i dont have it next to a generator or anything. has anyone run in to this problem before. it started showing up about half way through flowering.


Well-Known Member

  1. Step 1
    Reduce watering. The most common cause of plant death is not underwatering, it's overwatering. Overwatering smothers roots and deprives the plant of oxygen.
  2. Step 2
    Increase fertilizer. Even plants growing in the best potting mix need supplemental nutrients. Nitrogen deficiency causes yellow spots on leaves and is correctable with a basic fertilizer.
  3. Step 3
    Repot the plant. When a plant's roots fill a container they begin wrapping around the sides of the pot. The plant is then unable to bring in enough nutrients and often starts to have yellow spots on its leaves. Correct this problem by moving the plant into the next size larger container.
  4. Step 4
    Consider moving a plant out of direct sunlight. If the plant is in direct sunlight or has recently been receiving more light than usual, this could be the source of yellow leaf spots.
  5. Step 5
    Treat the plant for pests. If nutrient deficiency or sunlight are not the cause of yellow leaf spots, the problem is possibly a pest infestation. Treat the plant with an insecticide made especially for plants. Hosing the plant with water also washes away many troublesome pests.