Can Anyone Offer Good Advice As To What I Might Do?


Sorry for no pics, but my baby is 3 months old and is 3 feet 2 inches in height. I was growing it hydroponically with two air bubblers a dual aqua pump and a storage tote using petes all purpose plant food but they just started not looking so good. Droopy leaves thats it, really droopy leaves. so i transplanted it yesterday the 13th back in soil. i live in louisiana so we gettn prewtty bad weather now and the humjidity sucks. So i know that its not an overwatering problem, what could it be? And no my leaves havnt lost color they are still dark green... please any advice will be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Have they been flowering for 8 weeks?

3 months is usually a harvest period. She'll start killing off leaves, they curl up and fall off. Thats how you know shes at the end of her life.