Can anyone please tel me what age/size the plant needs to be to start bein fertilised

im usin canna coco a and b mix and i fed it her on like day 4 is that wayyyyy too soon? ive been flushing ever since but my water is ph 7 (ive just todAy bought some ph down to make it 5.8 tho)! i only put a small amount of fert in th watering can and by week 2 ive lost 3 leaves and another is turning yellow round th edges, these damaged leaves are from th bottom first set and th next set up the rest of th leaves look a really healthy colour but are abit twisted what am i doin wrong?

is it ph thats fucking th leaves or nutes?

any advice wud be greatly appreciated

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The deformed leaves are probably from the high Ph. We start very light fertilizers once the 3-bladed leaves appear. This is necessary because they are first planted in seed starter soil, which contains no nutrients. The plants should have enough energy built-in to grow a small root and the first single-bladed leaves. After that, it won't be long before they start sucking nutes from previous leaves. Be careful flushing often- you'll end up overwatering. Flushing soaks the soil more than the plants should normally be watered at one time. There should be enough space left in the soil after watering for air to get to the roots.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
PH will distort your leaves and speckle them brown if im not mistaken.
nute burn will effect the edges mainly and be burnt up crispy
I feed my plants 195ppm of food and 5ppm of trace elements from the water from cutting until end of veg, seems to be working fine so far. have had clones popping roots like mad :D